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Scottish surfers

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  • Scottish surfers


    So, is it like Scotch? Are there, like, vintage Haggis? Are there best Haggis producers?

    I had my first haggis since I was little (and staying with relatives in Dunfermline) tonight and it was awesome.

    As I live in the midlands, Haggis is a rare beast. Any recommendations? Is it available on the web?

    Would prefer to buy a young one and grow it on so I get better value for money. Do they need a lot of space, or can you keep them in a hutch?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Originally posted by Apache

    So, is it like Scotch? Are there, like, vintage Haggis? Are there best Haggis producers?

    I had my first haggis since I was little (and staying with relatives in Dunfermline) tonight and it was awesome.

    As I live in the midlands, Haggis is a rare beast. Any recommendations? Is it available on the web?

    Would prefer to buy a young one and grow it on so I get better value for money. Do they need a lot of space, or can you keep them in a hutch?

    The fox hunt ban was implimented to protect the haggis 'cos even a baby haggis up to 200 years old will kill and eat 20-30 foxes every night this can increase during the mating season when mature males have been known to take 83 foxes, two coo's and 17 sheep complete with Aberdonian hingoots wellies anaw, 1 beef curry, fried rice and a bag of chips.

    No surprise you cant domesticate nor farm the beast, you can hunt them with a bow or 20 gauge shotgun or trap them with a bottle of Buckie (night time) Irn Bru (early morning) but remember they sleep from 2pm - 1am.

    All haggis is good served with tatties and neeps even the wee armoured ones



    • #3
      nae but a bag o'midden....
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        Word of warning...

        Be VERY carefull hunting haggis, they hunt in gangs known as a quada, the haggis quada can number up to 2 beasts one will herd foxes from a twelve mile capture zone and the other kills not by ambush but by square go.

        Ponder this...Who/what ate the German invasion @ Saint Andrews on the 3rd of June 1940, why do only haggis fodder AKA highlanders dare to live north of Glasgow, how many old haggis hunters do you know?


        • #5
          and dont be fooled into thinking the wee ones are safer....they'll still have your finger off in a minute......those teeth are sharp


          • #6
            Youll go a long way to beat MacSweens of Bruntsfield for a damn fine bit of haggis. dont know if they do mail order but I do know that they export. Ive found their product in shops in the Gulf.
            They do a vegetarian version too which is pretty good.

            " great chieftan o the pudden race " Rabbie had it spot on

            I dont think its like Scotch Whisky though. Somehow the idea of a haggis thats been maturing for 20 years doesnt appeal to me wheras a whisky thats been doing the same does.

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