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And you thought you had heard everything ?

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  • And you thought you had heard everything ?

    Seen this ?

    Aren't they meant to protect us ????

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

  • #2
    what a joke...i swear this is just to get us all so pi$$ed off that the blood pressure rockets, we all die soon from heart attacks, and the muslims, poles, romanians and other invaders who can't read this anyway (and don't pay for the police and their stupid ideas) get to rule supreme in this country.

    complete nonsense from top to bottom in this country's management.
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #3
      hehe why dont they get there mums in to protect them lol ,what a joke
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        first muzzles on polis dogs now this... does this count as more P.C. nonsense?
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          We dont have any police here unless there is profit IE traffic, the neds rule the streets and everybody under 16 has to carry a knife for self protection, trouble is some strangers / tourists still rekon it's safe to go out after dark, poor $$$$$$$s.


          • #6
            Nothing the authorities dream up these days surprises me anymore.

            The government give the armed forces on active service a tax free sum, and then with the other hand cut their separation allowance by more than their tax free sum, making them worse off


            • #7
              This does not suprise me in the slightest, you would be amazed some of the companys that my firm provide for.
              But look at it this way do you want to pay 30k for a Police person to sit at the front desk or 20k for a security officer.
              Also remember now we are all licensed and tested by the SIA, you will notice we all carry photo ID badges and it is ilegal for us to work without them, and yes we are expected to pay for them.
              Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

