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Scamsters from hell

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  • Scamsters from hell

    I'm sure you've heard it all before....
    But I am just amazed at the gall of these internet scammers. I've got my Surf up sale on the Autotrader, and natuarally I put my email address down... boy was that a mistake.
    Everyday I have an inbox full of very 'English' sounding names followed by the usual broken English with quite ridiculous phrases such as, "I know I can trust you", "please hold the car for me", "I will send the bankers draft... but it will be for a lot more", "send the difference to me", "may God Bless you"...
    Blah, Blah...
    It's amusing to see the variations of the general theme, which is too expect you to suspend your disbelief and allow greed to overcome your sense of judgement.
    Sometimes I toy with them a bit and make out like I'm falling for it, you know, pretend to be dumb but keep offering methods by which they can pay you by Western Union money transfer or something that can't bounce... make em' work for it... but it's a waste of time really.
    And there's always the worry of identity theft so you will have to say you live at No. 10 Downing St. or something.
    Sorry I'm being boring...
    Oh, the other annoying thing about my Ad. is that I forgot to write NO CANVASSERS....
    Every morning I get a call, usually some uptight sounding hard bitch on the phone saying... "Have you sold your car",
    "No", I say....
    "Good" she says ".... because I have a buyer for you, you see I'm a finance company", or some other loads of bullsh1t.
    I've given up being polite, (and loosing another ten minutes of my life), in favour of replies like....
    "Listen darlin', I wanna sell my feckin' mota, not pay you 70 bleeddin' quid for sweet F.A."
    They swiftly say "fine" and slam the phone down.
    Man, that job must really suck!
    I've had all manner of time - wasters, tourists and plain bull$$$$ting nut jobs contact me....
    one dude rang me up from Glasgow really late at night to ask me where I was, I told him S. Glos. then he said he would be getting the train really early in the morning to see the car.... he appologised for the late call and hung up.

    I had my suspiscions that I probably wouln't be seeing him as he didn't ask for my address.... mmmmmnnn... but even so, just for a second, I thought... Shall I wash the car... just in case?
    I tell ya'... I'd rather give the feckin' thing away that go through much more of this....
    But no, I don't mean it.
    Sorry this is more of a ramble than a thread.
    The End

    The surf's advertised on here too... and I must say I havn't had any trouble from you guys...(and gals), but on the other hand, you havn't bought it either!
    Last edited by Silver; 21 October 2006, 02:48. Reason: because your worth it...

  • #2
    I had the same thing when I sold my FTO - I had to remove my email from the ad in the end cos I was getting 2 or 3 emails per day!

    Instead of putting just "No canvassers" on my ads I tend to extend it to "No canvassers, agencies, timewasters, scammers, weasels or losers" or something along those lines, seemed to do the trick (apart from the email scammers) cos I got no companies call me.

    I find the best way to treat cold-calling companies is to say something like "hmmm, yeah I could be interested, hang on a sec while I get a pen and paper" and then just leave the phone off the hook. Waste a bit of their time sometimes they don't get the hint the first time and call back - I just apologise and say we were cut off, then do the same again
    No longer a Surf owner.


    • #3
      I keep getting emails from people that say they are head of the Saudi Arabian bank etc, saying they have loads of money spare from a failed transaction and they want to keep it quiet. So give us your details to deposit the money and will will give you a percentage, blah,blah,blah....

      What I want to know is how the hell they got my email address? They only started a few weeks ago, but I get one or two a day.

      F*****g T*****s.


      • #4
        Hi all, I got a letter from an Afican gent offering to deposit £6,000,000.00 in my bank, and asking me to send him a cheque /money transfer for (I think) £4,000,000.00 therefore netting me a cool £2,000,000.00

        I looked and thought about it for about 30 secs and realized that the tax man would want 40% of gross (£6million) which is £2.4million, leaving me £400,000.00 in debt to the inland revenue.Nice one!

        I forwarded the letter to Scotland yard!

        Haven't heard back from the African gent!

        Still working for the man!


        • #5
          Now you will get all the nigerian scammer emailing you for the next six months...get your self something like mailwasher then you can screen the emails prior to downloading them and create a hit list of words and phrases to dump before you do anything else..
          Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


          • #6
            I could laugh... but it's more of a cry...

            I've started replying to the scam mails now... the last one I wrote told them that they were being watched and evidence was being gathered... and unless they wanted to end up becoming the sex toy of a brutal 'long timer' in the clinker...they ought to think about a new profession...
            The dude was from Moscow, so he says, and wishes to buy the vehicle for his workers... surely he could find something closer!
            Anyway he wrote back asking if I had any more pictures...
            Of what... (I thought)... your future cellmate?
            It would be interesting to know (statistically speaking of course)... just how many people actually fall for the old ...'I'll send you a bouncy cheque for too much money and you send the difference' scam.

            I wonder if it would work on the gas bill.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Silver
              I'm sure you've heard it all before....
              But I am just amazed at the gall of these internet scammers. I've got my Surf up sale on the Autotrader, and natuarally I put my email address down... boy was that a mistake.
              Everyday I have an inbox full of very 'English' sounding names followed by the usual broken English with quite ridiculous phrases such as, "I know I can trust you", "please hold the car for me", "I will send the bankers draft... but it will be for a lot more", "send the difference to me", "may God Bless you"...
              Blah, Blah...
              It's amusing to see the variations of the general theme, which is too expect you to suspend your disbelief and allow greed to overcome your sense of judgement.
              Sometimes I toy with them a bit and make out like I'm falling for it, you know, pretend to be dumb but keep offering methods by which they can pay you by Western Union money transfer or something that can't bounce... make em' work for it... but it's a waste of time really.
              And there's always the worry of identity theft so you will have to say you live at No. 10 Downing St. or something.
              Sorry I'm being boring...
              Oh, the other annoying thing about my Ad. is that I forgot to write NO CANVASSERS....
              Every morning I get a call, usually some uptight sounding hard bitch on the phone saying... "Have you sold your car",
              "No", I say....
              "Good" she says ".... because I have a buyer for you, you see I'm a finance company", or some other loads of bullsh1t.
              I've given up being polite, (and loosing another ten minutes of my life), in favour of replies like....
              "Listen darlin', I wanna sell my feckin' mota, not pay you 70 bleeddin' quid for sweet F.A."
              They swiftly say "fine" and slam the phone down.
              Man, that job must really suck!
              I've had all manner of time - wasters, tourists and plain bull$$$$ting nut jobs contact me....
              one dude rang me up from Glasgow really late at night to ask me where I was, I told him S. Glos. then he said he would be getting the train really early in the morning to see the car.... he appologised for the late call and hung up.

              I had my suspiscions that I probably wouln't be seeing him as he didn't ask for my address.... mmmmmnnn... but even so, just for a second, I thought... Shall I wash the car... just in case?
              I tell ya'... I'd rather give the feckin' thing away that go through much more of this....
              But no, I don't mean it.
              Sorry this is more of a ramble than a thread.
              The End

              The surf's advertised on here too... and I must say I havn't had any trouble from you guys...(and gals), but on the other hand, you havn't bought it either!
              I sold a powerboat about 15 years ago. Chap from Aberdeen rings me (I was living in north wales at the time), asks me a few questions like "is it fast?", "does it work?" and that was it. He says he's sending a chap down next day to get it, with cash. I think 'yeah yeah'. Next morning, chap turns up in an old Mk3 Cortina with tow bar, hands over cash (asking price!), hitches up boat and leaves. Nothing more heard.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #8

                That's the kind of people you want to do business with.
                Just sold my truck to someone similar.............
                Guess I better start lookin' for another one.


                • #9
                  You might find this site interesting, people getting their own back on the scammers:

                  Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PDR
                    You might find this site interesting, people getting their own back on the scammers:

                    This site is the original.....


                    Had me in stitches for ages, but bewarned, it'll take evenings to read, but worth it.
                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

