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Stealth Cloak

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  • Stealth Cloak

    A British-led team of scientists has made the first big step into the future by creating a device which makes things invisible.

    The Star Trek-style "cloaking device" measures less than five inches across and only responds to radar waves.

    But within five years there might be devices powerful enough to make whole vehicles "vanish" - including battlefield tanks.

    An invisibility cloak blueprint was produced in May by Professor Sir John Pendry, a physicist at Imperial College London. Just five months later, scientists working with him in the US have put the idea into practice.

    The concept involves bending visible light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as radar, around the object being hidden.

    An observer looking at the cloaked object will see light deflected from behind, making it seem to disappear.

    Sir John said: "The previous paper was all theory, explaining how it could be done, but the real challenge was to make the unusual materials needed for a working device.

    "It's all been done in a time scale much shorter than I had envisaged. This cloaking device is just a demonstration showing that you can get radiation where you want it to be.

    "There's still some development to do, but I would have thought that in five years you'd be seeing some sort of practical realisation of this technology.

    "It's probably too heavy for aircraft, and making objects as big as buildings disappear might be difficult. But it would be ideal for hiding a tank."

    I just read the abovehttp://uk.news.yahoo.com/20102006/356/don-t.html

    Now assuming its true, and that its not yet been perfected for vehicles. just exactly WHAT IS THE LITTLE RED BUTTON FOR. I was told by members of this very forum that it was for the stealth cloak which it appears is not even working on vehicles yet, Did you lot lie to me ???

    Сви можемо

  • #2
    you gotta plug the stealth cloak in before you press it!

    and the japs had it years ago... like microchips and other ready meals.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      i can't see it , myself...
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        BBC news is reporting it too


        • #5
          Don't believe everything you read!! He he he.


          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            The Germans invented it all in WWII according to Nick Cook's book The Hunt For Zero Point:


            A good read if you're into such stuff.


            • #7
              Originally posted by laser_jock99
              The Germans invented it all in WWII according to Nick Cook's book The Hunt For Zero Point:


              A good read if you're into such stuff.

              Nope, you're all wrong.
              The invisibility cloak was perfected by Timothy Claypole from the late 70s childrens program, Rentaghost.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                Nope, you're all wrong.
                The invisibility cloak was perfected by Timothy Claypole from the late 70s childrens program, Rentaghost.
                It just does, OK?


                • #9
                  now ya see me now ya dont

                  Last edited by gillcover; 21 October 2006, 23:32.

