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Analize this....

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  • Analize this....

    Ok after reading that painfull cry for help AKA the "Top Gun" thread it's time to bare some souls via movies so here is my top ten.........

    Life of Brian (timeless)
    Saving Private Ryan (first twenty mins then press eject yidishly)
    The Holy Grail (know the script and look out for the tied chicken next time)
    Jungle Book (teenage sex is the best and this never failed way back then)
    Predator (I love that BIG whizzy gun)
    Leon (OK I know it's got a Fre*ch bloke innit but get the uncut version)
    Full Metal Jacket (private Pile got wot he deserved)
    Trainspotting (mibbi I missed summit? Funny and crackin tits)
    The Fifth Element (not my style but I love it)
    Twelve Monkeys (FFS it's that ugly geezer again, closet time)

    Notice the gaps IE no mention of Shrek nor any sexist stuff (yes girls have a place in movies go see Bambi or Debbie) so bare yer arses and post yer fancie muddy "Top Gun" boys

  • #2
    Jungle Book you say.

    Must give that one a try

    Blazing Saddles is the best film ever.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AuldNick
      (yes girls have a place in movies go see Bambi or Debbie) so bare yer arses and post yer fancie muddy "Top Gun" boys

      Debbie, hmmm, does Dallas, Debbie does Texas, Debbie does LA. Which Debbie film are you refering to?

      If it smells like fish, eat it!


      • #4
        Shawshank Redemption, absolute classic
        TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



        • #5
          Sleepers was another brilliant film.kevin Bacon Brad Pitt and a few other top names all about a group of kids growing up in Hells Kitchen then get put away for killing someone in a accident.Well worth watching


          • #6
            13 days. (2000) True story about the Cuban missile crisis and how the U.S. and the Soviets came so close to a nuclear war.

            Edge of seat film.


            • #7
              Watched Million Dollar baby again the other day, thats still a very good watch
              TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



              • #8
                My top ten film list is still open as it depends on what mood I'm in, but would probably include:
                Meet Joe Black.
                The worlds fastest Indian.
                DiCaprio's Romeo and Juliet
                The DVD collection of 'Long Way Round' (not strictly a film, as its a documentry)
                The Bicentennial Man (Robin Williams at his best)
                Last Samurai
                Got to agree with 'Blazing Saddles'
                El Mariachi

                No doubt as soon as I get back this evening I will have thought 'should have put something else'

                If it smells like fish, eat it!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Fish
                  Hooked !
                  he he used to have that on the number plate of my cossie.
                  TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



                  • #10
                    Best Film ever.....
                    Harvey (invisible 6 foot white rabbit) with Jimmy Stewart


                    • #11
                      films eh! Rarely get chance to sit down and watch one, too busy with the dog or in the pub etc but here goes....

                      Drop Dead Fred
                      Any Monty Python
                      The Wizard of Oz
                      The Lost Boys (wicked soundtrack)
                      Pulp Fiction (ditto)
                      One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (Makes my local look like University Challenge)
                      Midnight Express

                      Yes I am a little warped.


                      • #12
                        Last Samurai is looking good on ITV1 now.....


                        • #13
                          these are my current favourites, but to give a 100% definitive top 10 would be impossible as i could easily list a different top 10 this time next month.

                          sexy beast
                          LA confidential
                          star wars return of the jedi
                          hitchikers guide to the galaxy
                          pulp fiction
                          godfather part 2
                          godfather part 1
                          reservoir dogs
                          i swear, it was like that when i got here...

