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Nortrak Pictures.

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  • Nortrak Pictures.

    Went up to Aberdeen at the weekend,so thought it would be rude not to pop in to Nortrack and see what it's all about. A 600km round trip for me.
    Great day was had by all.
    Got the chance to see how the truck handled with the absence of rear AR bar. On the road i'd say no difference,off road.......... have a look

    Thats me on the left by the way with Stumpy,a regular at the Argyll Forest drives i attend.
    Last edited by smiffy; 17 October 2006, 20:01.
    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

  • #2
    Originally posted by smithsurf
    Went up to Aberdeen at the weekend,so thought it would be rude not to pop in to Nortrack and see what it's all about. A 600km round trip for me.
    Great day was had by all.
    Got the chance to see how the truck handled with the absence of rear AR bar. On the road i'd say no difference,off road.......... have a look

    Thats me on the left by the way with Stumpy,a regular at the Argyll Forest drives i attend.
    some good pics Smithy.So your happy with not having the A R Bar on then?


    • #3
      Originally posted by stormforce1067
      some good pics Smithy.So your happy with not having the A R Bar on then?
      Yip,i'd say so. Just need to get the front one off for the next outing
      www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


      • #4
        nice pics!

        glad you had fun there, looks like you played in some bits i have chickened out from or not been allowed on as only have 1 recovery hook at front
        e.g. the mud pits right at top of hill

        that pic with sea in background very dramatic
        nice vehicle too and good articulation
        looks like that helped on one bit I recognise i had to have several goes at I as lifted back wheel in air on it
        did you try the steep climbs and descents between the different levels,
        they can give you pant filling moments!
        Landcruiser Colorado
        Sub. Forester


        • #5
          Originally posted by andycook
          nice pics!

          glad you had fun there, looks like you played in some bits i have chickened out from or not been allowed on as only have 1 recovery hook at front
          e.g. the mud pits right at top of hill

          that pic with sea in background very dramatic
          nice vehicle too and good articulation
          looks like that helped on one bit I recognise i had to have several goes at I as lifted back wheel in air on it
          did you try the steep climbs and descents between the different levels,
          they can give you pant filling moments!
          Done most of it.
          . There's a section of downhill that has 2 tracks,one next to fence and one steeper next to it,done the both of them: The climb back up just at narrow bomb pit(had to fold in mirrors for that one!!!!) was the only one bit i never done i think. Top pit as pictured straight through but never attempted the more frightening angles.
          www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


          • #6
            some Nortrak pics here too:


            did you get forum discount? 10%
            Landcruiser Colorado
            Sub. Forester


            • #7
              Originally posted by andycook
              some Nortrak pics here too:


              did you get forum discount? 10%
              Yip got the discount. I'll need to post some pics on the Difflock Site as well. At least there was some other Jap's in attendance.
              Still got some layers of Nortrak mud under my truck. I'll keep it there as a souvenir.
              www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

