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  • Waxoyl

    I've got hold of some black waxoyl to spray underside of truck, opinions please on Whether it will come off when I jetwash it after offroading or would it be a good idea to schutz on top of the waxoyl to protect it from being washed off :
    If it aint broke dont fix it

  • #2
    Originally posted by gary16163
    I've got hold of some black waxoyl to spray underside of truck, opinions please on Whether it will come off when I jetwash it after offroading or would it be a good idea to schutz on top of the waxoyl to protect it from being washed off :
    ERR....dont think schultz will stick to waxoyl.......if you mean the other way round then it would be good but top up the waxoyl every 12-18 months to be on the safe side


    • #3
      mud sticks to waxoil like sh1t to a blancket if you want to protect it and off road go back to basics and spray underneath with old engine oil or similar so when youi have been off road you can jet it off and reapply it CHEAPLY, well that is what i would do next time.
      Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ricksurf
        ERR....dont think schultz will stick to waxoyl.......if you mean the other way round then it would be good but top up the waxoyl every 12-18 months to be on the safe side
        Yup, it does. You can even get a combined Schutz/Waxoyl mix.

        The stuff clings like buggery, so it should stay on even through jetwashing.
        Touch it up occasionally if any bits do go astray.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ricksurf
          ERR....dont think schultz will stick to waxoyl.......if you mean the other way round then it would be good but top up the waxoyl every 12-18 months to be on the safe side
          It does sort of melt with it. When I did mine I waxoyled then used schutz (with waxoyl) over the top to seal it and it worked fine .
          Trust your Hound.


          • #6
            If you.....

            Spray the underside with oil, thin the oil with paraffin/kerosene and this will allow the oil to gey into the smallest crevices etc, but try to keep the spray off any rubber bushes. The paraffin evaporates leaving a thin coating of oil behind....this was my first job as an apprentice many many years ago, before waxoyl came on the scene. The military use a similar preservation liquid which is far more robust than waxoyl, don't know the name and I've just used the last of my supply (identification numbers gone from tin...sorry).

            Waxoyl black will jet wash off if the pressure is high enough or the jet set to anything other than fan sray. Jet wash will remove the paint to if you are not too careful.

            It pays to re-apply one or two extra coats of waxoyl over a period of time say 3-4 months and just after the last good bath.

            Copious amounts of WD40 is good too for the chassis,if you can source it inexpensively


            • #7
              Thanks for your help guys
              If it aint broke dont fix it

