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Pricing advice please

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  • #16
    hi like some peeps have mentiond from a surf dealers point of view its never ever bean as bad as this `but if i was you i would not sell the thing for 4500 not if you can hold on and thats coming from a dealer , also if things do get that bad and you get worrid about det colectors ther ar loads of ways round those parasites ` like you mentiond your morgage is the thing to be most worried about ` i only say this in case things do get that bad but lets hope things work out for you `16 years ago i came back to the uk only to find my self in a similar situation to you and i endid up with nothing but i had hope and without that your f--- so just keep going` for me my health is extremly bad day to day stuff but i have bean in worse situations so take hart my friend and good luck


    • #17
      Thank you! (I'm sat here blubbering like the big girl I am!)
      Might have a contact to arrange a new mortgage with a payment holiday - fingers crossed and anything else.....
      Gonna take me dog out for a long walk and clear my head

      one big plus point (from the solicitors point of view) is that Lindsays accident wasn't reported to the HSE so someone else is in deep doo doo

      PS Mr surf dealer - are you on the back road from Chorley to Southport?
      Last edited by Purpledoris; 11 October 2006, 18:02.

