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Pricing advice please

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  • Pricing advice please

    Can anyone give me a realistic valuation in time for the truck going into Autotrader? I have been horrified by a bloke in the pub who told me I'd be lucky to get £3500 as nothing is shifting at the moment.
    all the usual refinements, 2 new tyres, 6mths tax, not used off road (shame on me), ice blue over silver. I can't really afford to pay for the $$$$$$ advert so I want to get it right first time. any advice greatly appreciated.
    cheers peeps


  • #2
    Hes probably right have a look on www.ebay.co.uk & www.autotrader.co.uk The prices may scare you as the bottom has fell out of the market.


    • #3
      Yours is a 3rd gen is it not??
      I would have gone for around £4500
      I'm a custard donut monster


      • #4
        i would not use auto trader .
        had mine in for 2 weeks and on their web site not one phone call .i put it on ebay loads of bids
        nick 1 step in front of you


        • #5
          Originally posted by jotto
          Yours is a 3rd gen is it not??
          I would have gone for around £4500
          You are right i thought it was a 2nd Gen SORRY you can get off the floor now


          • #6
            Yeah, about 4 and a half for a fairly early 3rd gen and a quick sale. And look this way....



            • #7
              Thanks all for the advice - did want to hear higher figures though!!!
              Problem is I have trawled the net/ dealers ads etc and can't find identical model, the closest I can find has an underslung wheel carrier and is priced at £6850 so I think I may try the exchange and mart route (cheap ad) and ebay at around £6k and see what happens. But I won't be letting it go for £4500 I don't think as I need to pay off a loan and get a replacement vehicle. Damn industrial injuries, $$$$$$ DWP, HSBC ,Woolwich, Sainsburys bank and everyone else who drops you in the mire when the chips are down. Humph! Wish me luck coz i think I'm gonna need it.


              • #8
                Now is deffo the time to sell 'cos the school run numpties NEED a 4x4 during winter months and the shooting season is just kicking off so more potential buyers out there


                • #9
                  surf price

                  Having Just Sold A 3rd Gen Blue/silver Surf In Excellent Con After Numerous Attempts On Ebay And Adds Elsewhere ,i Think You Will Be Lucky If You Get £4700 Plus .if You Decide To Go Down The Ebay Route Beware The Shyster Dealers Who Want It For Nothing And The Scammers Who Get Their Pals To Bid And Ring You Up Offering Silly Low Prices In The Hope You Get Worn Down And Sell At A Daft Price .good Luck .ive Been There ,try And Hold Out As Long As You Can But I Think At The Most You Will Get £5300


                  • #10
                    £5300 might just be enough but I'm sure you would be reluctant as well!
                    All the good wishes are appreciated. Has anyone got a big garden I can put me caravan in and live for a while - things are getting quite desperate. Just need a leccy hook up, I'll be fine (F*cked-up,Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional)
                    ho hum perhaps I should consider the lottery, more chance of help there than from our wonderful benefits system! Makes me seethe. Just wish I didn't have a mortgage, at least I'd get some housing benefit to pay rent. Sorry guys I'm really low and hacked off at the mo, promise to be quiet until I've some good news - hows that?


                    • #11
                      i'm probably stating the obvious, but have you spoken to the CAB about this? most mortgage or loan companies will give you a little slack under the circumstances, its worth talking to them to see if they will give you a little payment holiday. its always better to let them know whats going on before you get in the mire. i got constructively dismissed a few years back, and the credit card people were actually very good about it... good luck.
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        Agreed, and never listen to 'advice' from blokes in pubs.


                        • #13
                          CCCS Consumer Credit Counselling Service helped me when I was made redundant and they sorted out all my lenders without too much stress . Keep your chin up but get in touch and don't let the b*stards grind you down !
                          Death rides a Black Horse


                          • #14
                            Yes I have been down all these routes. The problem is that the only credit we have at the moment is for the Surf, all the rest is household essentials. British Gas and Anglian Water have so far been the only help and I knew more about mortgages etc than the bloke in the CAB who tried to tell me that I can just pay the interest on my Endowment mortgage!!!!! I have struggled to get them to do a benefit check but they are dragging their heels. I only work part time (looking for full time) and Lindsay has been awarded Incapacity benefit (59.20 a week ), which has cancelled out the council tax benefit, Income support refused as we have too much money! Apparently a couple only need 90.10 a week to live on - nice spending money if you're a scrounger who gets all the other benefits! The other downside of this is no free prescriptions etc. Mortgage Protection Policy wont pay out as he didn't earn enough in the last 12 months and DLA also refused as he isn't disabled enough! The long and short of it is we are £350 a month short before we even eat! Just normal household bills, no luxuries like SKY tv or anything like that. It might not sound like a lot but having been debt free all my life I find it extremely worrying and its not helped by comments like "oh well when your house is repossessed the council will have to house you" (my mother) and "it's only money" (normally uttered by those without financial problems). There is also the small matter of his loan which he has to start paying back in December, given to him by HSBC with no proof of earnings, after his accident, to pay off a business loan he had. anyone think I should just run.................


                            • #15
                              ok, first of all, I know your situation, ive been in similar myself. I dont have a mortgage but all the rest I can sympathise with.

                              There are a few things to remember/think about or do that can help when the money worries get you down:

                              it really is, "just" money, all the lenders know you cant get blood out of a stone so they would rather work with you and wait a while so the get their money eventually rather than you go down the route of bancrupcy and have the debt written off and they never get a penny.

                              you have family and friends, if the $$$$ hits the fan and you lose your current home you will not be homeless. a house is just a pile of bricks and is not important. your partner/family/friends are priceless, you cannot have those repossesed.

                              there is always light at the end of the tunnel, basically feeling like this doesnt last forever so think ahead, try to see past your current situation and think of what you want from the future.

                              try to find a nice place in the countryside, a high spot to look out from. it sounds a bit corny but it DOES work. a nice quiet place to reflect on the world and when you see it all from higher up is helps to put your own problems into perspective. Plus you may come up with a great idea/plan while you are up there.
                              she's no angel

