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New Bars.....Thanks Charlie!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sancho
    I got a grey one that I bought for that very pupose. I miraculously managed not to c0ck anything up so it's untouched. I took some of the pegs that hold the soundprooging out though. I snapped loads of them on the other bonnet.

    You want it? I'm not going to post it; too much of a pain the arse. Might be able to bring it up there some time (we're talking weeks, not days) or stick it on a surf train if there's one going.
    Sorry - just saw this tonight - if you still have it I'd be very interested - Im away until the 3rd, but let me know what you want for it, and when you could come here, or me come to you...
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #32
      Originally posted by itbloke@tiscali.co.uk
      Sorry - just saw this tonight - if you still have it I'd be very interested - Im away until the 3rd, but let me know what you want for it, and when you could come here, or me come to you...
      hehehe too slow fella! its already here! wouldn't you rather have a bugrundy one? got a vent yet? want me to dap that scoob vent into it?
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        hehehe too slow fella! its already here! wouldn't you rather have a bugrundy one? got a vent yet? want me to dap that scoob vent into it?
        Ha ha - never mind!!

        I would rather have one that matched the beautiful colour of the rest of the truck, yes...

        Erm - no - I'm in the US from Friday until the 3rd when I land, so no good till the 4th, but still in two minds about the Scooby snacks... let me think about it on my hols and let you know.
        Too old to care, young enough to remember


        • #34
          ok bud, have a good trip
          it's in me shed, mate.

