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  • #16
    Originally posted by ian619
    What a lovely little lad Paul, he's gonna have a bit of trouble doin the top,
    It's nice when you meet good kids, you tend to forget there are still plenty around when all you see are yobs,
    True, and this one (Jack) is as good as he looks, he's a little angel I absolutely love him to bits.
    We think we love our own kids but there's something special about grandkids and i've got another grandson on the way in November so I'll have even less time to play cars.
    Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



    • #17
      Im not getting this, This lad is not allowed into Strangers houses, so far so good. He IS allowed to go knocking at Strangers doors however. Not so Good. Have we assumed that or have his parents assumed that, or is there an unwritten rule that perverts and child killers will only get you if you accept an invitation in to their house.
      What happens if kid knocks at the strangers door and a big burly opportunist perv drags him in, or what happens if he starts washing the car having had the water and a bit of cake taken out to him, a same big burly perv then comes up behind him and, well, seeing the picture.

      Сви можемо


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bogus
        well, seeing the picture.

        I can assure you mate that the picture is not of the boy that Pops is refering too as little Jack is just two years old and can just about manage a few words and isn't allowed beyond the garden gate unsupervised let alone walking from Sheffield to the back of beyond.
        Last edited by paulh; 7 October 2006, 22:01.
        Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Bogus
          Im not getting this, This lad is not allowed into Strangers houses, so far so good. He IS allowed to go knocking at Strangers doors however. Not so Good. Have we assumed that or have his parents assumed that, or is there an unwritten rule that perverts and child killers will only get you if you accept an invitation in to their house.
          What happens if kid knocks at the strangers door and a big burly opportunist perv drags him in, or what happens if he starts washing the car having had the water and a bit of cake taken out to him, a same big burly perv then comes up behind him and, well, seeing the picture.

          think his parents (MUM) told him where he could go and in fact she was not far away as it turned out.
          the road where i live is mainly retired people and they i assure you are not pervs or child killers.
          and if we cant support a young lad trying to make some pennies by working for it Maybe just MAYBE we are just as bad
          the whole world is not BAD and we should make the difference to protect these kids and adults who need it.
          Enjoying Life after Cancer


          • #20
            It's a bad world these days, your afraid to let your kids out and go earn a couple of bob washing cars and your afraid to talk to other kids for fear of being called a phedoplile, i was walking buster a couple of weeks ago and two little girls came up and started talking to me about the dog, straight away i felt uneasy in case someone was watching and took it the wrong way, i could'nt get away from em quick enough, sad aint it,
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #21
              Originally posted by ian619
              It's a bad world these days, your afraid to let your kids out and go earn a couple of bob washing cars and your afraid to talk to other kids for fear of being called a phedoplile, i was walking buster a couple of weeks ago and two little girls came up and started talking to me about the dog, straight away i felt uneasy in case someone was watching and took it the wrong way, i could'nt get away from em quick enough, sad aint it,
              yes very sad why did you feel uneasy when you were doing nothing wrong? like i said we not all bad people and we gotta stand up to the few rotton apples or what world will i or we being leaving our kids and grandkids in when we are not around to look out for them?

              sorry guys i feel very strongly about this subject.
              and wish i had never started this thread now as i thought the lad was doing me and others in my road a huge favour as he done 5 cars in my road before my truck.
              and it reminded me of my childhood when i used to be able to go anywhere and my parents know i was safe.

              end of rant
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #22
                Originally posted by pops
                i thought the lad was doing me and others in my road a huge favour as he done 5 cars in my road before my truck.
                and it reminded me of my childhood when i used to be able to go anywhere and my parents know i was safe.
                Well said Pops,

                I am sure many of us wish we were back in those good old days I sure do

                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #23
                  Originally posted by paulh
                  I can assure you mate that the picture is not of the boy that Pops is refering too as little Jack is just two years old and can just about manage a few words and isn't allowed beyond the garden gate unsupervised let alone walking from Sheffield to the back of beyond.
                  Thats the trouble with putting your thoughts into words on a forum, if you dont do it right it gets misunderstood. I will try harder in future. I was referring to the overall figurative picture being painted in the thread starter post. Let me assure you mate that I was not referring to the photograph of your little fella. I actually did realise that he might be just a tad young to be out on his own with a bucket and chamois.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bogus
                    Thats the trouble with putting your thoughts into words on a forum, if you dont do it right it gets misunderstood. I will try harder in future. I was referring to the overall figurative picture being painted in the thread starter post. Let me assure you mate that I was not referring to the photograph of your little fella. I actually did realise that he might be just a tad young to be out on his own with a bucket and chamois.

                    i know that Bogus buddy,the young man was in no danger in our street i assure you.

                    i was just referring to what a sad world we do live in due to so few people who make it this way.
                    and you like me are entitled to your opinions and should voice them.
                    so they know we do care and wont let those few get away with it anymore
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer


                    • #25
                      No probs Bogus we're all on the same side (if not the same wavelength)
                      Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by pops
                        think his parents (MUM) told him where he could go and in fact she was not far away as it turned out.
                        the road where i live is mainly retired people and they i assure you are not pervs or child killers.
                        and if we cant support a young lad trying to make some pennies by working for it Maybe just MAYBE we are just as bad
                        the whole world is not BAD and we should make the difference to protect these kids and adults who need it.
                        Well said Pops.

                        I would rather take the risk that someone thinks I am dodgy, rather than fail to help a youngster who needs help or wants to earn a few bob.

                        Not so long back I found a four year old, who was totally lost, crying behind the garages. I hadn't a clue where he lived, so I walked around the estate with him for about half and hour but he still didn't recognise where he lived. I rang the police to ask if they had any missing children reported and they asked if he was in distress. When I said no they said could I look after him as they were extremely busy. It was a nice day. I was careful not to take him into the house though. I got a call 10 mins later saying that his Mum had rung the station and was frantic. When his mum came to collect him he was drinking orange juice and eating choccie biscuits, without a care in the world.
                        Apparantly mum was staying with relatives and one of the older kids in the house, not being used to little kids being around, left the front door open. He was 3/4 mile from home when I found him.
                        It's only a hobby!


                        • #27
                          thanks kitesurf thought i was alone for a while but i do know all guys on here DO feel the same but because there younger they think younger than
                          i do coz i old and see good in most people
                          Enjoying Life after Cancer


                          • #28
                            I'm totaly with you on this Pops, didnt mean to offend or imply i could'nt be bothered or was to scared to talk to them, in fact we had a nice little chat about their puppy and buster, it's just i could imagine people looking out their window's and thinking what's that bloke up to, and felt a little uneasy, Remember talking to my grandson over the school fence while on me way to the shop a while back, one of the women who look after em at playtime came running over and asked who i was, i told her and she asked my granson if this was true, i felt terrible that she could even think that of me being some sort of perv, It's just the way it is these days im afraid, i cant be the only bloke who feels like that nowadays.
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #29
                              It is spookey what happened this afternoon since posting above.

                              Mrs KS and I were shopping in Asda in Dunstable. We were browsing the clothes section when we spotted a little curly haired lad of about three who was completely alone. A couple of aisles up a woman was calling, "Ethan where are you." I told her I had seen him a couple of aisles back and off she went. A couple of minutes later she was franically searching the aisles and still hadn't found him.
                              We went on our way and a full 10 mins later she was still searching for him. looking down one of the aisles I noticed that some of the long coats were moving on their own. Little Ethan was enjoying a nice game of hide and seek! His mum, by this time, was at least ten aisles up still looking for him. Against Lesleys best advice I took him by the hand and took him to his mum who breathed a huge sigh of relief. I must admit I felt a little uncomfortable until I had noted a normal, rational reaction from his mum.
                              It's only a hobby!


                              • #30
                                Ian169 i did not take offence mate
                                and phil hope you steered clear of the CAKE and SWEETIE aisle's
                                i had bunch of mums set on me for trying to take pictures of my grandson at football practice and my daughter was with me too
                                but i held my own
                                i am not a perv and never have been just enjoying watchin my grandkids growing up and if anyone got problem with that tough.
                                and by the way i did not feel uncomfortable either
                                glad the mums take an interest in there kids well being as i do
                                but there are ways of asking KNOW what i mean??
                                Last edited by pops; 8 October 2006, 22:24.
                                Enjoying Life after Cancer

