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Garage doors, nearly there

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  • Garage doors, nearly there

    Just a quick update as i know your all on the edge of your seats wondering how there comeing along, well they weigh a ton and there on and they work and they aint fell off yet!! There not the prettist doors around but their all mine i gained a fair bit of height getting rid of the up and over, now i can put me roof light's on Whoo Hoo, when i finished painting em and blocking up a window or two, i think there would probably be room for a three or four inch lift as well,
    Wot do you think of the colour????? Dont hold back, tell me the truth
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Wot do you think of the colour????? Dont hold back, tell me the truth
    ughhhhh ,sickly , putrid ,mmmmm custard nice
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      Originally posted by joker??
      Wot do you think of the colour????? Dont hold back, tell me the truth
      ughhhhh ,sickly , putrid ,mmmmm custard nice
      AhAh was expecting that, just as well thats undercoat then, i had 5lt of yellow and 5lt of light green (thats goin on next) followed by dark red and finally a wine coloured gloss, and white on the inside, there'll be more paint than wood, should go up well when the yobs set fire to em
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by ian619
        AhAh was expecting that, just as well thats undercoat then, i had 5lt of yellow and 5lt of light green (thats goin on next) followed by dark red and finally a wine coloured gloss, and white on the inside, there'll be more paint than wood, should go up well when the yobs set fire to em
        take it that you have loads of paint you want to get rid of
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


        • #5
          So why have you painted a single yellow line round it, when you'll be the only one parking there Ian...?
          Or did some of your lovely neighbours paint it there whilst you weren't looking...?


          • #6
            Originally posted by ian619
            AhAh was expecting that, just as well thats undercoat then, i had 5lt of yellow and 5lt of light green (thats goin on next) followed by dark red and finally a wine coloured gloss, and white on the inside, there'll be more paint than wood, should go up well when the yobs set fire to em

            Wine you say, with silver grey skirting? You want a burgundy truck aswell don't you ,go on, admit it.

            Tidy job Ian, but get that downpipe fitted and fit a 'shoe' on the bottom to direct the rainwater away from the garage.
            Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 5 October 2006, 23:34.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ian619
              AhAh was expecting that, just as well thats undercoat then, i had 5lt of yellow and 5lt of light green (thats goin on next) followed by dark red and finally a wine coloured gloss, and white on the inside, there'll be more paint than wood, should go up well when the yobs set fire to em
              I think you should stop painting when you get the green paint on, its a better colour
              Nice job mate
              If it aint broke dont fix it


              • #8
                Originally posted by gary16163
                I think you should stop painting when you get the green paint on, its a better colour
                Nice job mate
                light green ugh bad as wine
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #9
                  Originally posted by joker??
                  light green ugh bad as wine
                  I know but even light greens better than blue
                  If it aint broke dont fix it


                  • #10
                    Right then Gary, Dave, and all you other newbies, get votin'



                    • #11
                      Paint them red and you can pretend to be a fire engine
                      SWIFT AND BOLD


                      • #12
                        OK i admit it, i'm a closet RED
                        If i had the choice again i'd have a red one like the first surf i saw, i'm halfway there though i got red wheel centers
                        waiting to put the downpipe and outlet on when my mats rendered the garage
                        and the yellow line is where i disc-cut the tarmac back to fit the metal step(a bit of cladding), was hopeing to concrete it today but it's pi$$ing down, sods law, my brother in law gave me a load of odd coloured paints left over from a council contract, it was all in a skip and being a tight fisted bleeder i knew it would come in one day, If anyone wants to paint there cielings in pink or light blue flame redardant Timanox emulsion im your man
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss

