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Surf breathes again

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  • Surf breathes again

    Haha. My surf breathes again. Hoave now fitted the nice new turbo which turbo technics supplied very promptly(4 days from old turbo leaving to new turbo reappearing). So its all ready to be muddied within an inch of its life. Bring on the pit.

    An interesting point was the guy at turbo technics told me not to put gaskets on, just clean up the surfaces bolt them up and re-tighten them with the engine hot.

    Objects in the rear view mirror are losing

  • #2
    Originally posted by high-surfer
    Haha. My surf breathes again. Hoave now fitted the nice new turbo which turbo technics supplied very promptly(4 days from old turbo leaving to new turbo reappearing). So its all ready to be muddied within an inch of its life. Bring on the pit.

    An interesting point was the guy at turbo technics told me not to put gaskets on, just clean up the surfaces bolt them up and re-tighten them with the engine hot.


    Glad to hear your back on the road
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