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Darn heater controls

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  • Darn heater controls

    Right.....pay attention !
    When my heaters set to demist, I get hardly any air blowing on the screen, there is plenty coming from the centre vents tho ??!!!!!!!
    Its driving me mad as the only way to clear the screen is to use the AC.
    Wos going on? Any ideas ?
    Also the interior lights by the rear view mirror have never worked, not that I think they would help clear the screen !!!
    Side mounts are the new top mounts !

  • #2
    Originally posted by javars
    Right.....pay attention !
    When my heaters set to demist, I get hardly any air blowing on the screen, there is plenty coming from the centre vents tho ??!!!!!!!
    Its driving me mad as the only way to clear the screen is to use the AC.
    Wos going on? Any ideas ?
    Also the interior lights by the rear view mirror have never worked, not that I think they would help clear the screen !!!
    Got the same problem with mine , it's the linkage mechanism behind the centre console that tends to stick. If you get in the drivers side footwell and look behind the centre console unit you should see the linkage mechanism. Press the buttons on your heater controls and you will see them move. They could be sticking for that setting.


    • #3
      you can manually move the flaps under the drivers footwell to clear windscreen for now, this happened to mine and it was the cable itself that had kinked and wasnt able to push the flaps open and shut . a new cable for mine was 5 quid and doing it was a bi@tch , if i had to do it again though i'd be able to do it easily.


      • #4
        Originally posted by javars
        Right.....pay attention !
        When my heaters set to demist, I get hardly any air blowing on the screen, there is plenty coming from the centre vents tho ??!!!!!!!
        Its driving me mad as the only way to clear the screen is to use the AC.
        Wos going on? Any ideas ?
        Also the interior lights by the rear view mirror have never worked, not that I think they would help clear the screen !!!

        Yep, it'll be the white plastic linkages down by the foot rest that are sticking. Ignition on, blowers on, press button for feet blast, get out of truck, look down by foot rest at linkages and at the same time press button for screen demist. You should see the levers move and get stuck half way and you'll be able to 'help' them into position.
        If they don't move at all, then the operating cable is kinked or broken.

        Do the red lights in the front doors come on? if they do then you know the door switches are working, and the bulbs have blown in the mirror lights.

        If the door lights don't come on either, then suspect a sticking door switch near the hinges.

