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Eeeesh, I'm p****d!

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  • Eeeesh, I'm p****d!

    Whats the drunkerest you've ever been?

    Mine was in Adelaide about 7 years ago, and I blame jet lag! It was a work trip. We arrived at the (very flash) hotel about 10:30am, just as the bar was opening, and of course it was late evening for us! We started drinking. Coopers Old, Coopers Sparkling, Coopers Pale and so on... Lunch came and went, evening came and went.... PM turned into AM... We'd been through the contents of the bar several times over. I am told by the bar staff that I left the bar about 1am, couldn't find the lift to my room so came back and was escorted to my room by a member of hotel staff.

    I must have emptied the contents of my stomach sometime in the night into my quilt because I woke naked and cold the next afternoon (when the maid came in ) to see it rolled up on the floor, smelling quite bad. I got up at 7pm for something to eat then went back to bed. Had to start work at 6am the next day!


    During the same trip, we left a member of the team out cold on the pavement outside a pavement bar. Jeez, that was one crazy trip!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Must be something in the water

    Funnily enough mine was in Australia too.

    went back to Sydney to see my mates. Arrived at about 11:00am and went straight out on the lash still dragging my suitcase!!

    Carlton Cold, Hahn Ice, Bundy & Coke's, Jim & Jack

    At about 1am I staggered back to my mates place, then decided to go and see another mate.

    I recall getting to the other house but the in between is a blur. Next day I have to check myself into hospital suffering from a torn Liver and my Jaw fractured in 2 places. Was in hospital for 5 days recovering

    I think Aliens, most of my mates reckon I was swiped by a car as I stumbled through the streets.

    Don't think I've been that pi55ed since then.
    Just Vegging Out


    • #3
      i once had such a 'good' new years eve session, i woke up with a hangover. on january the 2nd! didnt drink for 5 months after that....
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        There's been quite a few, but i cant remember any of em, did wake up in a forecourt one christmas day though
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          apparently TonyN got married to Linda a few months back!!
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            too many time to remember all. Main one was when I flew back into London [working down there] from Luxembourg. Rest of team gone to bed..decide to hit the hotel bar...ended up in driking games with some other computer guys...

