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Speaker size

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  • Speaker size

    Hi all I know absolutely nothing about Audio so i need some advice.
    I need some new speakers for my truck as the existing are buggered.
    What size do I need. When I am looking at various sites speaker sizes seem to be in cms ie. 13cm or 16 cm etc. Which ones will fit in the existing mounts.
    Thanks in advance
    Trust your Hound.

  • #2
    Take the old ones out and measure them maybe?
    Nil illegitimi carborundum


    • #3
      I put replacement 4" in straight in the front and 5", with slight modification to bass box, in the rear side panels. They were Reisens from Maplins.


      • #4
        Be carefull with the fronts, use the original sound box which takes 31/2" (i think) speakers' i juncked the box and fitted 4" behind there and it was awefull, drummed right through the dash, as the boxes had gone with the binmen i fitted em in pods on the door, there fine now,
        Also changed the rears for 6x9"
        Last edited by POPEYE; 21 September 2006, 22:59.
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss

