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nuclear scan

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  • nuclear scan

    sorry its not surf related but has ant one had nuclear medicine scan got to have one in a couple of weeks got to be injected with a radioactive tracer then scaned with a gamma camera might turn green if any one makes me angry

  • #2
    is it a PET scan?

    that's a type of glucose they use to see if you got cancer.

    better than a barium enema!!
    Last edited by da SLUG man; 14 September 2006, 20:47.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Originally posted by BIG GENERAL
      sorry its not surf related but has ant one had nuclear medicine scan got to have one in a couple of weeks got to be injected with a radioactive tracer then scaned with a gamma camera might turn green if any one makes me angry
      my other half had one, she was worried about it for ages, but in the end there was nowt to it...
      CHEERS JOHN................


      • #4
        people can hold their watch up to you to make it glow for hours !!!!

        Seriously tho...good luck...


        • #5
          had one of those a few years ago, nowt to worry about at all. and i worked on nuclear power stations as well, so plenty of glowing going on my end.

          wonder why i dont have any kids...
          TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



          • #6
            I'm not sure what you're having done, but they done a few tests on me over the past couple of years. Started with the ultrasound stuff that pregnant women have. Cold and tickly. They then wanted me to have a barium injection into my liver, which is a radioactive substance that they can pick up on scans. I declined that for 3 reasons: a) my old man had a very bad reaction to one, b) I'm sh*t scared of needles, especially directly into my liver, c) I'm a firm believer that whatever will be will be, regardless of radioactive injections.

            I have to point out though that there really isn't much to worry about, I'm just a big sissy when it comes to needles.
            Everything's easy, when you know how!


            • #7
              I think the needles are the least of your problems... they prefer to put the barium somewhere else...


              • #8
                they say i have arthritis of the spine and neck scan will show how far it has spread nick


                • #9
                  Don't know how you feel about needles, but as for the stuff that they use as a tracer: don't worry.

                  The dose is minimal, the detection equipment very sensitive and the most dangerous part of the whole session will probably be crossing the car park to go into the clinic.

                  PS: I graduated in 1992 with a BSc in physics, including a lot of time spent working on nuclear physics. Once you know how it works, the whole thing's a lot less scary.


                  • #10
                    I had it done about 4 years ago,they removed some blood(looked like more than some at the time)take it away and seperate it mix the radioactive tracer with the white blood cells and inject it back in,then the leave it a bit and scan you,the white cells go to where the body is fighting infection or repairing its self.the isotope allowes them to scan you and see where they are gathering.it didnt hurt. I had a big op `cos of crohns disease and they wanted to see what was going on.
                    Good luck Ray


                    • #11
                      Not quite the same but my wife had radio active iodine injected into her thyroid to stabalise it about 15 years ago, she used to have her blood checked every year but it has stayed stable, so now the checks will only be every three years.
                      I have no idea what it did but it did seem to work, so if they leave it in there I shouldn't worry unduly.
                      Hope it hasn't spread too far, my dad has just been told he has arthritis of the spine but as far as I am aware there aren't making any further investigation, probaly due to his age. Good luck , let us know how you get on.


