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ATF one more Question, (well 3 really)

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  • ATF one more Question, (well 3 really)

    I know i posted a question on this subject the other day and thanks to Vince and you other guys for your replys, What was bothering me is the capasity figures quoted on that aus tech site vince, roughly 2lt for a drain and refill and 6lt for a "dry" fill, So im thinking if i only drain and refill it im only renewing about a third of the fluid, and the new stuff is "contaminated" with the old stuff still in there, as mine looke burnt i would like to replace the lot otherwise i dont see the point, Did a search and found a reply post by Andy (lucky) whereby you use two buckets and replace the fluid by pumping out the old into one bucket and at the same time draw in the new stuff, this is done through the cooler pipes once the return (pumping) pipe is noted.
    So first Q is- is this method ok for the 2.4 (as andy reply was for a 3lt) ?
    2nd Q is- this method req about 3 gall of fluid to pump through which is gonna be bl00dy expensive, so if i were to drain it via the plug and then disconnect the coolerpipes and use the engine to pump out the rest and then fill down the dip tube in the normal way will the pump pick it up ok or will it airlock or summat?
    3rd and final Q this filter, andy states its behind the sump (inside?) on the 3lt,
    is it the same on the 2.4, is it a replaceable one or a magnetic one that just req's a good clean out?
    I've just realised perhaps i should have posted this on the 2.4 tech forum but i dont really want to do it all again so very sorry
    Cheers Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Originally posted by ian619
    I know i posted a question on this subject the other day and thanks to Vince and you other guys for your replys, What was bothering me is the capasity figures quoted on that aus tech site vince, roughly 2lt for a drain and refill and 6lt for a "dry" fill, So im thinking if i only drain and refill it im only renewing about a third of the fluid, and the new stuff is "contaminated" with the old stuff still in there, as mine looke burnt i would like to replace the lot otherwise i dont see the point, Did a search and found a reply post by Andy (lucky) whereby you use two buckets and replace the fluid by pumping out the old into one bucket and at the same time draw in the new stuff, this is done through the cooler pipes once the return (pumping) pipe is noted.

    So first Q is- is this method ok for the 2.4 (as andy reply was for a 3lt) ?

    Yep, it's the same as the 2.4.

    2nd Q is- this method req about 3 gall of fluid to pump through which is gonna be bl00dy expensive, so if i were to drain it via the plug and then disconnect the coolerpipes and use the engine to pump out the rest and then fill down the dip tube in the normal way will the pump pick it up ok or will it airlock or summat?

    I don't like the sound of that to be honest.

    3rd and final Q this filter, andy states its behind the sump (inside?) on the 3lt,
    is it the same on the 2.4, is it a replaceable one or a magnetic one that just req's a good clean out?


    Maybe invest in one of these......http://www.motiveproducts.com/05specials2.html

    Usefull for transmission fluid brake fluid and engine oil. Works out at around £40.
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 12 September 2006, 21:39.


    • #3
      Thanks once again Vince, those pints are mounting up! That looks interesting, looks like the pumps we used to descale combi's, It just seem's a lot of fluid to do it with the bucket method, i know oil pumps can be a bugger, made that mistake once on my old cresta, did'nt pack the pump with vasaline as i should have and it would'nt pick up, had to drop the sump again and remove it to pack, a right sod of a job, You'd think it would be simple'er to change the atf would'nt you, Ian
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        I wouldn't bother with all the phaffing about, Ian. I just drained the ATF out of
        the sump plug, and refilled. Took just over 4 litres to get it's level about right.
        The amount by which you are diluting the old stuff should make it irrelevant.
        Would you go to this excess each time you change the engine oil? I'm one
        of life's natural finnicky devils, and even I wouldn't go to that extreme with the
        ATF fluid. Your other option would be to take it to someone who services auto
        boxes. They drain it completely, renew/clean the filter and refill the fluid. About
        £80 is the general type of price for that doing.


        • #5
          Yeah i understand what your saying and it would be a lot of messing about or expensive, just thinking that if only one third drains out from the sump your leaveing two thirds of the old $hit in there, i suppose if i just changed the sump full and then did it again in a few weeks it would be near enough all new oil, AARRRGGG soddin surf's! as if i cant find enough to worry about
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

