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Classic F1

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Woodzie
    Well done that man and it shows how bad my memory is as they looked like tyrrell's
    If I remember correctly it was Christian Fittipaldi who did the flip, not sure about the teammate but it may have been Andrea Montermini.


    • #17
      Surely Fangio's win at the 'ring in '57 must rate as the best drives ever from the best driver ever. Fangio was 46 years old by then, he was driving a Masarati that was slower than the Vanwalls and Ferraris of the day and the 'ring had a 14 mile lap. During Qualifying he knocked 16 seconds off of the pole position time from the previous year. At the start the race he fell back to 3rd but reclaimed the lead on lap 3, he built a 28 second lead but had to stop for fuel and tyres where the Ferraris of pursuers Mike Hawthorn and Peter Collins did not. His stop was a disaster taking 50 seconds. He rejoined and matched the Ferrari's pace for the next few laps. He then mounted his attack, for the next 10 laps he broke the lap record every single lap, building faster and faster, on lap 20 of the 22 lap race he had the Ferraris is sight and had chisled 8 seconds off of his already astonishing qualifying time. Hawthorn and Collins had no answer to the maestro and he took the day. What would I have given to have been born then and to have seen it. Fantastic!

      Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

