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insurance woes

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  • insurance woes

    when i got my insurance in december for my surf i neglected to mention that it had a front a-bar......just sort of forgot really when the bloke on the phone asked if it was modified. When the form came to fill in i put down the alloys and the a-bar under modifications and i've just had a call from the insurance brokers saying that the insurance company they put me with doesn't alloy front nudge bars unless they are standard items. He's looked for a quote with other companies and the best he can do is 750 quid - the original quote was 400.

    The question is.......is the front a-bar on the surf a standard factory item? I suspect not, altho they all seem to have them. If it is then there's no problem if it isn't then i'm going to have to go thru the whole rigmarole of cancelling that policy, trying to get my cashola back - minus whatever outrageous administrative fee they decide to charge me and finding someone else more reasonable that won't load the premium by 100% for having an a-bar.

  • #2
    Originally posted by MarkDL
    when i got my insurance in december for my surf i neglected to mention that it had a front a-bar......just sort of forgot really when the bloke on the phone asked if it was modified. When the form came to fill in i put down the alloys and the a-bar under modifications and i've just had a call from the insurance brokers saying that the insurance company they put me with doesn't alloy front nudge bars unless they are standard items. He's looked for a quote with other companies and the best he can do is 750 quid - the original quote was 400.

    The question is.......is the front a-bar on the surf a standard factory item? I suspect not, altho they all seem to have them. If it is then there's no problem if it isn't then i'm going to have to go thru the whole rigmarole of cancelling that policy, trying to get my cashola back - minus whatever outrageous administrative fee they decide to charge me and finding someone else more reasonable that won't load the premium by 100% for having an a-bar.
    It's a Standard factory Optional fit, like the Sunroof, rear spoiler etc. The A Bar is a Toyota part, fitted to some (well most actually) so they should class it as a factory item.



    • #3
      Originally posted by lucky
      It's a Standard factory Optional fit, like the Sunroof, rear spoiler etc. The A Bar is a Toyota part, fitted to some (well most actually) so they should class it as a factory item.

      Ask them to pop over to Japan to verify it. Its an import straight off the boat as far as I know it is standard, what they gonna do pop down the local dealers to check it out.
      Mine came off the boat to the dealer 2 days later to me, so yes as far as I know its standard.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        Just to let you know a bit about how I deal with these items . I am an Motor Engineer for a certain Insurance company . We deal with these items as follows : if item is a manufacturer made item and fitted new at time of sale of vehicle new it is NOT a modication , it is classed as an optional extra . If fitted after new and made by manufacturer or after market , it is a modification .
        As Surfs are imported how would anyone know if fitted from new or not .
        Insurance is a contract based on 'Good Faith' on both sides . You have provided the information and they have to believe items are factory options and not a modification .

        Hope this helps a bit

        Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


        • #5
          Tidy darts!

          thanks guys, i will let my insurer know that it's a standard item.

          Cheers again


          • #6
            Originally posted by MarkDL
            Tidy darts!

            thanks guys, i will let my insurer know that it's a standard item.

            Cheers again
            I'm insured with LifeSure, and had the same memory lapse about mentioning the A-Bar when I took out the policy. In fact, it was a thread on the old site that sparked me into action and made me give them a call just to make sure everything was above board.

            They didn't give a sheet! The guy sounded extremely surprised that I'd even bothered to call! At least I know they know now if something nasty happens!

            '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
            "You Sir are drunk!"
            "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."


            • #7
              If you have a TOYOTA A-bar like the one in this photo then it's a factory fitted option and all is okay. Anything else is probably someone elses add-on and you should inform your insurance company.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robster
                I'm insured with LifeSure, and had the same memory lapse about mentioning the A-Bar when I took out the policy. In fact, it was a thread on the old site that sparked me into action and made me give them a call just to make sure everything was above board.

                They didn't give a sheet! The guy sounded extremely surprised that I'd even bothered to call! At least I know they know now if something nasty happens!

                I'm also with lifesure. they don't give a flying F**t about A bars or any other mods.

                The place to be is under the sea


                • #9
                  Help - Mine doesn't look like that but its covered with some "body kit" type stuff to match the paintwork- i guess its a factory fitted - can anyone confirm?




                  • #10
                    Yes your ok .

                    It should look like this .

