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insurance rant?

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  • insurance rant?

    If you can remember that the surf was stolen 9 weeks ago just to give you some information
    1 if you are with the NFU you need to check your policy now
    it started when the I changed my policy over from the mondeo to the surf
    rang there office the lass on the other end did all for me great (wrong)
    every thing was fine until some torag swiped the cd rang insurance told them what happened they send sombody out from the local garaged he basicly scratched his nuts and said its an import sorry?
    then two days before the audio fitter was coming to fit the new cd I gets a letter saying my excess is now £250 (was £100)
    rang them up and kicked off ended up telling them to stuff it and forget the claim(yes I know that was a mistake should have argued the toss)
    now when the surf was stolen reported it as you do two weeks later the insurance assesor came out took a statement ect and of she went waited a few weeks and rang insurance to see what was happening they told me they had no record of me being disabled or any points on my licence?
    so very quickly told them to check there old policies and see that they knew
    so a week later gets a letter saying they are sending an inspector out to see me when he can fit me into HIS AGENDA 27 days later (today) he came outtook another statement of why they had no record of me being disabled
    and told me that had they known my premium would have gone up by £53 a year and my excess would have been £250???

    he also told me that although I had the surf insured for £5000 IF they paid me out it would be by book price?
    and I will have to wait another four weeks to find out

    so moral of the story
    find out what the insurance company value your surf at (in writing)
    not what it is isured for
    check your policy carefuly
    and dont trust the people who are selling the policy as its not them that are insuring you they are just agents

    in my opinion they are just legal thieves
    and the company I use is NFU?

    rant over

  • #2
    isn't that discrimination based on disability nonsense illegal? ask them how they feel about you taking this up with radio/tv/papers or a specialist disability lawyer...
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      NFU stands for No F******g Use ! As soon as I changed to the Surf from the Mazda Dble cab (B2500) their whole attitude changed Excess immediately went up to £250 and parts etc because it was an import etc etc Changed to Lifesure !
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #4
        Unless you have agreed value insurance(normally only done on classics I think) all insurance companies will only pay out the book value of the car regardless of what you say it is worth or paid for it
        I'm a custard donut monster


        • #5
          Originally posted by jotto
          Unless you have agreed value insurance(normally only done on classics I think) all insurance companies will only pay out the book value of the car regardless of what you say it is worth or paid for it
          Yep - as I found out when they coughed up for the Disco

          NFU are really good as horse insurers though - obviously $$$$ for cars so will give them a miss


          • #6
            No Swearing Please

            Originally posted by SassyT
            Yep - as I found out when they coughed up for the Disco

            NFU are really good as horse insurers though - obviously $$$$ for cars so will give them a miss
            think i will have to educate my daughter fancy mentioning THAT word


            • #7
              Originally posted by MOTRAV
              think i will have to educate my daughter fancy mentioning THAT word


              • #8
                Originally posted by spoofer28
                he came outtook another statement of why they had no record of me being disabled
                and told me that had they known my premium would have gone up by £53 a year and my excess would have been £250???

                he also told me that although I had the surf insured for £5000 IF they paid me out it would be by book price?
                Insurers cannot load premiums or impose special terms under the Disability Discrimination Act. The £53.00 must be for the motoring conviction(s) they say they had no record of.

                Insurers always pay book value unless you have an agreed value or classic car policy.

                Hope the claim ends satisfactorily for you.

                Lifesure Group
                Lifesure Group
                0871 7261235

