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horn upgrade - 99p!!!!

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  • horn upgrade - 99p!!!!

    After months of searching for a decent sounding horn for my truck - I've found the perfect cheap alternative.
    Whilst driving my wife's car af ew weeks back and getting cut up by some young $$$$$$, I lent on the horn to express my disgust - and the sound was music to my ears.
    She's got an old 318 BMW 1997, and it has a two tone horn which sounds quite deep and full.
    I priced some new ones from a BMW dealer and got quite a shock.
    So onto ebay and got a second hand pair for just 99p. I soldered on some flying leads and fitted them in place of my surfs horns. they sound great!!
    I no longer feel embarresed sounding my horns now - they sound like a horn should sound! - Although nowhere near the sound of the britsh rail two tone air horns that I would love - but for 99p - they're a great alternative to the tweet tweet of toyota.
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Same here, are yours 'snail shell' shaped? I er, aquired some from a sc rapyard. They certainly make people jump when you give them a blast!


    • #3
      i know what horns i'm hoping to have and they are bloomin loud.They are chrome and big and are hopefully coming of the front of a train and i may even get the pair from the other end of the engine too


      • #4

        You need horns on a Surf....???


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Mechanic
          You need horns on a Surf....???

          Standard fitment on a Surf is the "Invisibility Cloak"

          And NO ONE has worked out how to turn it off, although it always appears to temorarily break down by speed Cameras

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            Proper Horn for Surfs

            Next car-boot look for the old Air horns (Colnel Bogey, Twin tone etc.). Fit compressor via a relay of course but only pipe-up the largest/longest trumpet. Guaranteed to sound like a sixteen wheeler on adrenalin!!! (I used to have this set-up on a Fiat Strada and liked to see people looking in panic for the "big-rig". How sad is that!!!)
            Yes! It's still in the garage. M1ROD


            • #7
              Originally posted by UDTrev

              Standard fitment on a Surf is the "Invisibility Cloak"

              And NO ONE has worked out how to turn it off, although it always appears to temorarily break down by speed Cameras


              The cloaking device only works at speeds below 30mph or when stationary.
              If it works at speeds above 30mph, then the warp drive core is leaking and causing a heat haze that speed cameras can't detect. If the warp drive core is leaking, then you will soon run out of dilithium crystals and will have to go and see TonyN.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                If the warp drive core is leaking, then you will soon run out of dilithium crystals and will have to go and see TonyN.
                BUT ????????????

                If you run out of dilithium crystals HOW do I get to TonyN's ???


                PS had a role reversal run to work this morning - was up the boot of a BMW until I got to the motorway

                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  Originally posted by UDTrev
                  BUT ????????????

                  If you run out of dilithium crystals HOW do I get to TonyN's ???


                  It's o.k. the Surf will still run on impulse power, it's what we have in our 2.4s.


                  • #10
                    All the REAL air horns (brithis rail and the like) need a REAL compressor (110 psi)to run them and a seperate air receiver. I've managed to errr "aquire" a recevier in the form of an errr "second hand" large water fire extinguisher, the type you often find errr "unused" in public buildings, left discarded hung on walls etc etc. These cylinders have a working pressure of 24bar or 348.09 psi roughly, and are just the right size to bolt under the rear chassis. But now I need to find a suitable compressor preferably belt driven. I've seen a couple of guys on here use their redundant air con compressor - but I use my air con regular and there's probs not enough space to fit a second?

                    on the subject or air receivers - I wanted a larger capacity receiver for my workshop air compressor but again unable to find what I want (edit - unable to justifiy paying for what I want) I made a wee fitting at work. It converts the left hand thread (fuel gas) to right hand BSP to allow me to use an old propane gas cylinder (sprayed pale blue for air - BS standard - to keep fire man happy!!)as a tandem receiver - works beautifully - no more stopping spraying to wait for pressure build up.
                    Last edited by jaky cakes; 8 September 2006, 16:39.
                    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                    • #11
                      You want a decent horn?

                      Then check this site out..


                      They ship to the UK, and you've gotta check out some of the videos

                      Thay are absolutely hilarious


                      • #12
                        I think we have to admit it, our surf horns are weedy, those vids cracked me up, pity I cant afford one, those prices gave me more of a fright than the horns

