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Borderline or what?

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  • Borderline or what?

    At what point did this guy become convinced that he was innocent?


  • #2
    What a tool, blind, half deaf and leg tremours!! he couldn't see, had trouble hearing which direction to drive in front his guide and legs are shaking on the pedals!!!

    And he says he's not guilty!

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Originally posted by TonyN
      What a tool, blind, half deaf and leg tremours!! he couldn't see, had trouble hearing which direction to drive in front his guide and legs are shaking on the pedals!!!
      Sounds like most of the 'drivers' round here . He will proably get a UK passport , free house , and more free benfits as punishment .
      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        He'll be o.k. though, the Government/human rights mentalists will be on his side 'cos he wasn't born here.
        Probably get a free eye transplant too. ( private operation of course.)


        • #5
          What is really annoying, though, (actually several things), is that:

          1) They'd be shisted for doing the same back home, so what's their excuse.

          2) They know it's illegal here, so what's their excuse.

          3) We in this country are constantly told that if we go abroad and break their laws,
          tough, you knew the outcome.

          4) He'll end up with bugger all and do it again.

          Then they wonder why it's such a touchy subject.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vagrant No2
            Sounds like most of the 'drivers' round here . He will proably get a UK passport , free house , and more free benfits as punishment .
            I believe a blue Nissan Sunny is still the appropriate means of warning over in NW isn't it?


            • #7
              Fairly obvious really....

              They blew the wrong bits of his body off, kin feet and hands would have been good, stop the daft $$$$$$$ from trying it on on OUR KIN ROADS. if he'd killed or maimed someone he wouldn't even give a stuff


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                Sounds like most of the 'drivers' round here . He will proably get a UK passport , free house , and more free benfits as punishment .
                hes probaly got all them allready tonytom got any spare dogs that can drive
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #9
                  NO way

                  Originally posted by joker??
                  hes probaly got all them allready tonytom got any spare dogs that can drive
                  Sorry you need a certain amount in intelligence to control a guide dog. Anyway why punish a dog by giving it to an idiot like him, what’s the poor dog done to you.


                  • #10
                    F**king unbelieveable, sorry for his injuries but did the bomb affect his common sence and the the other c**t's as well, Kick em out
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #11
                      Got nothing intelligent to add really but yes I stongly agree with the foriegners and the way our government is a bunch of pussys when it comes to dealing with them (st georges day flags springs to mind and xmas decorations) Is there anyone left that would say they are proud of being British? And would these imigrants when they have got there houses and passports go and fight for our country? Yeah right.

                      RANT RANT RANT !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Donk_UK
                        Got nothing intelligent to add really but yes I stongly agree with the foriegners and the way our government is a bunch of pussys when it comes to dealing with them (st georges day flags springs to mind and xmas decorations)
                        Does make you wonder, though. With the above, being banned from flying our
                        national flag, what would be the outcome if an English person pressed charges
                        for racial discrimination due to being prohibited from flying the national flag? One
                        thinks we wouldn't get the same arse kissing attitude from the authorities.


                        • #13
                          Here, here. Unfortunately gone are the days when people were brought to this country to work in a controlled manner. When they came appreciating the opportunity to perhaps be able to make a better life for them and their family and having a LOT of respect for their hosts.

                          Problem is the do-good human rights w***ers took everything to the extreme and have made this country almost a living hell for any law abiding white anglo saxon that is unlucky enough to still be here!!!!

                          But I've got a foreign name so I'm ok!
                          Nihil illigitimi carborundum


                          • #14
                            there has been 12 houses built next to me and 1 of the houses belongs to a polish dr.who has been plastered all over the local papers because he was working at the royal cornwall hospital trliske and was meant to be on the sick and when they found out that while on the sick he was working for the devon and cornwall police as their doctor and of course the hospital sacked him on the spot.But not sure how true this part is but apparently he he isnt allowed to practice in his own country but like i said im not sure how true this is.If it is true then what the hell is this country playing at allowing him in this country working as a bloomin doctor.Besides he thinks he knows all the english laws and trying to stop me putting in off road parking when i have full access rights up to his front door.I love it when us English get one over these bloomin foreigners


                            • #15
                              the bloke over the road used to call me "Jock Wallace"... i never minded... but if i called the fella down the shop "paki patel" or "rag-head singh"... i'd get nicked!!

                              what's the difference?
                              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

