Originally posted by ian619
Well what a day!! Karen gave birth at about half hour after simon and i left for charlies, i'll post a pic when simon uploads em from the phone, i was a bit unsure about takeing her in the first plase but she was sure she'd be ok, after leaveing Jon's she gradually got more pain's so we stopped at Oxford services and it was clear she was in distress so we made the decision to call an ambulance as opposed to finding the hospital myself, The ambulance was really quick and the staff were great so a [SIZE="7"]BIG THANKS[SIZE="1"]to and crew and staff at the John Radcliff, Grandad again! thats four of the blighters
christ i'm getting old
Thanks to all you guys for your bestwishes and concerns
it was an eventfull day but i would'nt have missed it for the world, special thanks to Jon, Charlie and Mark, it was really nice to meet you guys and see your trucks, Thanks Charlie for the tea and bacon sandwich, it was just right
Thats a great place you got there mate, i'm envyious, Got a pic of the famous shed as well
We did'nt use the dog cage mate as Marky said the last time he tried that buster want mantal so i'll keep it for you,
BUSTER!! what a star, he is great, he play'd up for about half hour after we left Marky's jumping about and barking, which is understandable but as soon as simon reached round to comfort him he calmed down a bit so at the first services we had a change in the seating arrangements so simon could sit in the back seat with him and he was like that all the way home, several stops for a jimmy and a drink and he was fine,
First encounter with the chinns was funny, he scared them and they scared him, so he barked at em and that scared em more so they started the distress squeeking, that scare'd him more, He seems to have settled down with em now though, he's not sure about the terrapin either, We sat up with him till about 2am and me till 3am and eventually got him out the bedroom and closed the door, he slept on the landing and was waiting there in the morning,
not a sound all night, He had a good walk this morning right round the school christening every post on the way and a good pooh as well (yes i did pick it up
) At the monent he flat out on the couch, He's a lovely dog Mark and i know you'll miss him but at least you know he's got a good home here mate
A few pics, haveing a wee at the services, settleing down with simon, the bl00dy road works, thank god for garmin, and checking out the new smells, and oh yes!
Cheer's everyone Ian and enlarged family

Thanks to all you guys for your bestwishes and concerns

BUSTER!! what a star, he is great, he play'd up for about half hour after we left Marky's jumping about and barking, which is understandable but as soon as simon reached round to comfort him he calmed down a bit so at the first services we had a change in the seating arrangements so simon could sit in the back seat with him and he was like that all the way home, several stops for a jimmy and a drink and he was fine,
First encounter with the chinns was funny, he scared them and they scared him, so he barked at em and that scared em more so they started the distress squeeking, that scare'd him more, He seems to have settled down with em now though, he's not sure about the terrapin either, We sat up with him till about 2am and me till 3am and eventually got him out the bedroom and closed the door, he slept on the landing and was waiting there in the morning,
not a sound all night, He had a good walk this morning right round the school christening every post on the way and a good pooh as well (yes i did pick it up

A few pics, haveing a wee at the services, settleing down with simon, the bl00dy road works, thank god for garmin, and checking out the new smells, and oh yes!
Cheer's everyone Ian and enlarged family

Good Luck
