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Magical transformation

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  • Magical transformation

    Just passed the MOT and guess what?

    The Surf has been magically transformed into a Land Cruiser!

    According to the MOT cert, anyway I've spoken to the garage and they say, "It came up that way on the computer".

    I will drop the cert back in for them to correct, as they also ignored the old certificate on the front seeat and didn't post-date the new one.

    Anyone else had this problem (with the vehicle type, I mean)?

    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

  • #2
    Mine came up as a landcruser prado on an insurance qoute, they never heard of a surf, it was a cheap quote and i was tempted, but should it come to a claim it would be a way out for them! so did'nt go for it, You'd think by now the surf would be on their lists, The useless ba$tards Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      My mot has Toyota Surf printed on it.

      Is there more than one DVLA data base then?


      • #4
        Probably more than two...

        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
        My mot has Toyota Surf printed on it.

        Is there more than one DVLA data base then?
        Knowing this $$$$py Governments policies, VOSA probably doesn't even have the Escort on their information!!!!!


        • #5
          When i attempted to register mine it came up as a motor home... had to take it to a MOT station to verify it was not...

          Back in the day Baby


          • #6
            Mines in for the MOT test at 2-30 today unless they have a slot earlier, I queued up at the post office for 25mins yesterday to tax the dam thing, only to be told that as my MOT runs out on the 30th they could not use it.
            Just keeping my fingers crossed now.
            Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.


