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No Dinner Help

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  • No Dinner Help

    Not surf related i know but any help /advice would be appreceiated, After haveing the dinner in the oven for half hour we just realised the buggers stone cold! its a double oven and the top ones working (stuck the dinner in there) Do you think it's the element? and can i test it if i can get it out? i got a multi meter, do i test for circuit on the two connectors? ie no circuit if it's blown,? Would'nt yer know it, the f**ker's just out of warranty i can do without this! Thanks Ian.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    remove element and check for continuity on wire conections on it, if its open circuit then its blown mate
    If it aint broke dont fix it


    • #3
      Originally posted by ian619
      Not surf related i know but any help /advice would be appreceiated, After haveing the dinner in the oven for half hour we just realised the buggers stone cold! its a double oven and the top ones working (stuck the dinner in there) Do you think it's the element? and can i test it if i can get it out? i got a multi meter, do i test for circuit on the two connectors? ie no circuit if it's blown,? Would'nt yer know it, the f**ker's just out of warranty i can do without this! Thanks Ian.
      i would of thought the element or the built in thermostat.


      • #4
        Cheer's Mate, i'll have a look tomorrow, Normaly when you open the door the oven and temp indicator light go out, but when i opened it the light came on but no heat! As long as i remember to pull the fuse before i start
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Originally posted by ian619
          Cheer's Mate, i'll have a look tomorrow, Normaly when you open the door the oven and temp indicator light go out, but when i opened it the light came on but no heat! As long as i remember to pull the fuse before i start
          as far as i can remember from working as maintenance at the holiday parks a few years back the thermostat used be at the back of the oven at the bottom


          • #6
            Originally posted by ian619
            Cheer's Mate, i'll have a look tomorrow, Normaly when you open the door the oven and temp indicator light go out, but when i opened it the light came on but no heat! As long as i remember to pull the fuse before i start
            There is another way of checking, if you turn the oven on and touch the element wires ( big tingle means element gone and wiring ok ) lol
            If it aint broke dont fix it


            • #7
              Originally posted by gary16163
              There is another way of checking, if you turn the oven on and touch the element wires ( big tingle means element gone and wiring ok ) lol


              • #8
                you havent accidently set the timer have you?
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  A big tingle eh! dont like the sound of that, Checked the timer was'nt on auto
                  Charlie, I'm inclined to think its the element, is'nt that what useually goes?,
                  the top ones working ok (wish it would hurry up)
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ian619
                    A big tingle eh! dont like the sound of that, Checked the timer was'nt on auto
                    Charlie, I'm inclined to think its the element, is'nt that what useually goes?,
                    the top ones working ok (wish it would hurry up)
                    so what were you meant to be having then Ian?


                    • #11
                      Aunt Bessie's snake and pigmy pie, roast spuds, runners peas and onion rings should be ready about 10.00, then i'll be up all night
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ian619
                        Aunt Bessie's snake and pigmy pie, roast spuds, runners peas and onion rings should be ready about 10.00, then i'll be up all night
                        better late than never


                        • #13
                          glad i didnt stay for dinner
                          Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by joker??
                            glad i didnt stay for dinner
                            If you know something about electric cooker's i wish i'd have asked you to stay Any way mate it was nice meeting you and your wife! i enjoyed the visit, Wish i was going to the surf run but i've left it a bit late so will def
                            be going to the next one,
                            As for the cooker i've got the element out and got a circuit on it so thats allright, (sod) so the mans comeing thur's to sort it, £35 plus whatever part, Hotpoint wanted £90 call out!! barstewards
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              Aint you got a barbie then??

                              and I don't mean the 10" plastic anorexic either.

