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  • Fuel

    I've recently returned from holiday and have covered 1500 miles coting £285. I started with full tank and ended with half tank. Would any one know what mileage i would get for that or tell me how to work it out. many thanks

  • #2
    Originally posted by gaffer39
    I've recently returned from holiday and have covered 1500 miles coting £285. I started with full tank and ended with half tank. Would any one know what mileage i would get for that or tell me how to work it out. many thanks
    need to know the amount of fuel used!!! the price per litre can vary so doing it with price only will not be accurate...

    but if you average it out at £1 a litre it works out at 23.9 m.p.g
    Last edited by slim; 25 August 2006, 23:55.
    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #3
      Originally posted by gaffer39
      I've recently returned from holiday and have covered 1500 miles coting £285. I started with full tank and ended with half tank. Would any one know what mileage i would get for that or tell me how to work it out. many thanks

      you must have a huge tank on your surf i only put £65 pound in mine to fill it up but 1500 miles on half a tank thats great
      I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


      • #4
        Originally posted by gaffer39
        I've recently returned from holiday and have covered 1500 miles coting £285. I started with full tank and ended with half tank. Would any one know what mileage i would get for that or tell me how to work it out. many thanks
        There's only one precise way to find out what your mpg is and that is to log your fuel use and kms over several months or a few thousand miles. You need to keep a careful record of the distances an the exact amount of fuel put in (the number of litres will be on the fuel recipt). This method will average out all kinds of driving conditions weather etc etc. I did it once over 12,000 km or so and came out at 24.45 mpg or something.

        The 'quick' but less accurate way is as follows:

        1) Fill the tank up- I mean REALLY fill it up till you can see the diesel at the top of the filler tube.
        2) Set the odometer (trip clock) to zero.
        3) Drive a few hundred kms- use the trip clock to record the kms.
        4) Fill the tank up the tank again- I mean REALLY fill it up till you can see the diesel at the top of the filler tube- it has to be at exactly the same level as in part 1 or the result will be totaly meaningless (like so many other mpgs I see quoted on this forum!).
        6) Record how much fuel you put in to fill up the tank again.
        5) You now know the distance driven & the fuel used so can calculate mpg.

        The disadvantage of the above method is that the fuel use was only relevant to that trip- if it was mainly motorway miles then the mpg will be better than the 'combined' cycle. Hence a long term average will give a truer figure for your vehicle and style of driving.


        • #5
          i tell ya the best way to do it mate!!

          just put in ya fuel , pay for it, then drive it!

          job done!! enjoy....
          CHEERS JOHN................


          • #6
            you must have a huge tank on your surf i only put £65 pound in mine to fill it up but 1500 miles on half a tank thats great
            He's not saying on the same tank, I think. If it is, must be an ex wagon tank in the boot!!!
            Nihil illigitimi carborundum


            • #7
              Originally posted by kiowa
              you must have a huge tank on your surf i only put £65 pound in mine to fill it up but 1500 miles on half a tank thats great

              LOL excellent.

