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4x4 bashing yet again

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  • 4x4 bashing yet again


    There plenty of bedtime reading for you here

  • #2

    It makes you mad as hell when you see how much we get ripped off, and there's always some idiot who bleats on about cycling! Yeah like I can get all the bands gear on the back of a push bike (maybe I could take it on the bus?)?
    I also believe that any road user should have to pass a test and be insured. That goes for cyclists and horse riders too!!!

    Anyway I signed up to the forum so I could have a whinge too........... ................stay funky people................SURFS UP DUDES!

    Don't call me love, its not my name!!


    • #3
      I read through quite few of the posts yesterday and found the majority to be quite favourable toward 4x4s.
      And I'd like to see anyone get on a bus or bike with my wifes weekly shopping at the nearest supermarket let alone band gear!
      Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



      • #4
        at the end of the day the goverment make to much tax on fuel so they can not start banning vehicles cause they use more than others, they rely on this so much that they dont want to give good tax reductions to bio diesel etc.

        just think if they banned half the vehicles on the road they would have to find billions from some other place! ciggys,alcohol, more income tax, etc.
        those do gooders will be buggered then cause it will be coming out of there pockets as well then...

        i seen a program on tv the other day where a tree hugger was taking the moral high ground against her interveiwer then she said she had to go has she has got to go to a big meeting in europe with other tree huggers she was then asked how she was getting there!! she made a mistake she said by plane . then the interveiwer gave her an hard time over that..
        CHEERS JOHN................


        • #5
          If the police stopped and fined every cyclist who rides there bike when its dark, without lights and also fined them for going through red lights, then perhaps Veggie users would not have to pay so much duty.
          I could go on and on, as don't want to bore the pants of off fellow Forum members.
          Still Searching,
          Dick Whittington


          • #6
            UK.Gov seriously need to rethink their bus promo $$$$, the streets up here are full of 10-20 year old banger buses leaking dzl and making more smoke than a lum fire, they ask daft overpriced fares for uncomfortable journeys with nowt but the great unwashed for company if you are lucky 'cos 99% of these clapped out wrecks are EMPTY.

            Go to Edinburgh (daft I know) the place is nose to tail double decker busses clogging every street billowing filth, they might be able to seat 30+ yet most have 2-6 fares on a good day!

