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A Huge Thankyou

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  • A Huge Thankyou


    For arranging a terrific DIRTY weekend.
    The clan Sumo appreciate all your hard work and effort you put in.

    Also to Tam & Terrie for feeding the hungry hordes on friday and to the various other chefs that added thier culinary expertiese to the discuised road kill that was provided.

    Many Thanks to you all.
    If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

  • #2
    I'd like to second that sentiment. Even though I was only there for the day I did enjoy the company and the chat - and especially the tug of war (never did work out who'd won )

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer


    • #3
      I'll second that fantastic weekend and company and the cake was out of this world.


      • #4
        HERE HERE TOO and a big UP to JENNY too was her idea to go there
        top choice girl
        cracking weekend thankyou to all who chipped in and was great to see some new faces too.
        got a feeling there be back judging by there 1st time GRINS
        and wonder if Paulo's head stopped BANGING YET
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          Yep , forgot to post a thanks to Jon and Nigel ( he did something to do with the event apparantley ) .
          Thanks Pops for the loan of your BBQ
          Thanks to Mark for the 'how to muller a chicken' show by shoving a tin of Macersons up its ar$e and trying to get it to cook uncovered on Pops BBQ , top effort .
          Thanks Koi for the Saturday morning fried eggs , yum .
          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


          • #6
            Huge thanks to everybody for all their help and advice on our first (hopefully) of many Scurf trips. It was a great weekend with a great bunch of people. Particular thanks to:
            -The lady chefs for friday nights meal
            -Jotto for helping me out of my shell!
            -Sumo for the driving lesson!

            got a feeling there be back judging by there 1st time GRINS
            You talking about us Pops? Guess what.......................... .............................. .............................. ............................?

            THE GRINS ARE STILL THERE!!!!!
            As for Paolo, the little sh1t didn't even have the deceny to have a stinking hangover, but rest assured I ain't going to let him forget Saturday night!!!
            With a bit of luck we'll see you all again soon, but this time hopefully with a zook to play in!

            The biggest thanks of all has to go to KOI, without whom obviously I would not have been there, cos it's his hard work and hard earned money that keeps this place running! It's a thankless task a lot of the time, and I for one definitely appreciate it.

            THANK YOU KOI
            Attached Files
            Last edited by mickeyboy; 23 August 2006, 19:20.
            Nihil illigitimi carborundum


            • #7
              Originally posted by mickeyboy
              Huge thanks to everybody for all their help and advice on our first (hopefully) of many Scurf trips. It was a great weekend with a great bunch of people. Particular thanks to:
              -The lady chefs for friday nights meal
              -Jotto for helping me out of my shell!
              -Sumo for the driving lesson!

              You talking about us Pops? Guess what.......................... .............................. .............................. ............................?

              THE GRINS ARE STILL THERE!!!!!
              As for Paolo, the little sh1t didn't even have the deceny to have a stinking hangover, but rest assured I ain't going to let him forget Saturday night!!!
              With a bit of luck we'll see you all again soon, but this time hopefully with a zook to play in!

              The biggest thanks of all has to go to KOI, without whom obviously I would not have been there, cos it's his hard work and hard earned money that keeps this place running! It's a thankless task a lot of the time, and I for one definitely appreciate it.

              THANK YOU KOI

              Have the nerves of the girls calmed down after having the pants scared off them in the zuk?
              Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


              • #8
                Yeah, but she's busting my b*lls to get one sooner rather than later! Did you get my mail?
                Nihil illigitimi carborundum


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mickeyboy
                  Yeah, but she's busting my b*lls to get one sooner rather than later! Did you get my mail?

                  Yes mate got all rhe piccies just waiting for a load more to come in to start compiling the disc......
                  Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

