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Get A Life !!!

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  • Get A Life !!!

    I honestyl can't believe they are putting a ban on all cartoons where there is a scene of a character having a smoke ! A woman complained about it saying it was discusting and it will make children follow !

    Wot they gunna do about the woman in Roger Rabbit ?

    Wot is the world comming 2 ?

    I mean look at Tom and Jerry ? So much voilence, Hitting over the head with a SLEDGE HAMMER of all things, gettin savaged by Brutus the dog, pluggin the cats tail into the electric socket ! Also setting fire to it !

    Then theres the Road Runner. Blowing each other up with Dynamite ! being strapped to the front of a train to catch up ! pushing hurling rocks and stones off buildings to attack below !

    Look at Scooby Doo ! Everyone wheres a mask, and the dog has a speech problem !

    So what about parents that smoke infront of their kids ? are they gonna ban them ? I am a smoker, so is the missis, but we dont smoke infront of the kids and only in 1 room of the house with the door open. I watched millions of cartoons when i was younger. My addict never came from them ! It was the bordem of the area, the hangin round in crowds, the copying off friends. And i still smoke now because its one of the only fun things left i can do that keeps me smiling in this poorly ran country by a Priminister and Government that holds their prioritys in other countries and forgets there own and is on a mission to turn it into a 3rd world community where we all need to be tagged, monitored and followed 24 hours a day, just to make sure we are being good boys and girls The problem is ........................ ok hold on a minute, This should really be another thread ! lol, ! whooooops,.. So u know wot i mean about the cartoons ? These people need to be locked away, and not take life so damn seriously ! So wot if the cat wants to smoke, Let it , its something i would never see in real life ! If i did, i'd b rich ! Still never seen a space ship ! should they ban them of the T.V ? its not real ? or is it ??????

  • #2
    What is the country coming to?
    On a different subject, but the same topic, a chief of police wants to ban all motorcycles from national parks, the areas where theres nice country roads with nice sweeping bends, the type of roads what most people buy a bike for in the first place, 'cos they 'ruined' his holiday for being too noisy!!!!

    I agree with you about the cartoons though, I mean, we're talking about drawings, right?


    • #3

      minorities with little to do and loud voices, rule this land. Oh and the mighty accountant. This makes the government paranoid about what the rest of us are doing so we need watching.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deviant 1
        I mean look at Tom and Jerry ? So much voilence, Hitting over the head with a SLEDGE HAMMER of all things, gettin savaged by Brutus the dog, pluggin the cats tail into the electric socket ! Also setting fire to it !
        Unfortunately, most of the Tom and Jerry cartoons are already banned - when was the last time you seen one on prime time tv??????

        I downloaded about 40 of them off the interweb thingy and now get to enjoy them whenever I like, with no interferring from any do gooders.
        Another member of the 'A' team


        • #5
          I hope watching them doesn't turn you into an axe wielding, cigarette smoking psychopath!


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            I hope watching them doesn't turn you into an axe wielding, cigarette smoking psychopath!
            S'OK, I don't smoke...

            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


            • #7
              I agree with banning images of smoking in kids programmes... it was only originally in the cartoons because tobacco companies pay for huge wads of sponsorship and virtually own most of the american government.
              it really works too, kids see their favourite character lighting up or consuming a particular brand/type of food or drink and suddenly smoking or eating junk food isnt bad at all. if you sow the seed young enough its hard to erase later.

              if you stand back and look at the massive amount of propaganda and mind warping we have blasted at us, including the kids, from virtually every source you might realise we are already a controlled populous with very little ability to actually... really... choose what we watch, read and eat.

              my suggestion for a better life is this:
              dont watch the TV or listen to the radio, dont read national newspapers and only shop in village shops for food and clothes, grow some of your own maybe and make some of your own clothes and suddenly you will find yourself a very free person indeed.
              she's no angel


              • #8
                Originally posted by Toyney
                dont watch the TV or listen to the radio, dont read national newspapers and only shop in village shops for food and clothes, grow some of your own maybe and make some of your own clothes and suddenly you will find yourself a very free person indeed.

                Easy tiger - you forgot to mention not using the internet - oops.

                Actually, I grew a whole greenhouse full of various types of tomatoes this year - never done anything like it before (well,apart from some blow about 20 years ago) and I must say it has been a strangely rewarding experience.

                I must be getting old. The music's not too loud though.
                Another member of the 'A' team


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Toyney
                  I agree with banning images of smoking in kids programmes... it was only originally in the cartoons because tobacco companies pay for huge wads of sponsorship and virtually own most of the american government.
                  it really works too, kids see their favourite character lighting up or consuming a particular brand/type of food or drink and suddenly smoking or eating junk food isnt bad at all. if you sow the seed young enough its hard to erase later.

                  if you stand back and look at the massive amount of propaganda and mind warping we have blasted at us, including the kids, from virtually every source you might realise we are already a controlled populous with very little ability to actually... really... choose what we watch, read and eat.

                  my suggestion for a better life is this:
                  dont watch the TV or listen to the radio, dont read national newspapers and only shop in village shops for food and clothes, grow some of your own maybe and make some of your own clothes and suddenly you will find yourself a very free person indeed.
                  Are you really Michael Moore in disguise?
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    no, ive never seen any of his stuff, but ive heard its good.

                    im trying to lead by example, i dont watch tv, i dont read papers, I shop at local markets and shops as much as i can, I try to grow/make my own stuff, I certainly make some of my own clothes and most of my home furnishing ive made too. I try to buy my cider from a cider farm not a factory and my wine comes from a small place in france when i go to visit. I even make my own art for the walls because i refuse to put up with the carp they dish out at ikea or other "home" places.
                    plus as soon as I can, this year hopefully I will be moving out of the bricks and mortar and into something a bit more moveable without 240v power.
                    i think im a hippy of the new millenium.

                    ok, so i work on a magazine, but its not politically biased, just sweary, funny and laddish.

                    ive had a little 11 year old cousin come to stay with me last week and she asked me a good question, if you had to leave your home completely alone with just the clothes on your back and go somewhere completely new... what 3 things would you miss the most?
                    she's no angel


                    • #11
                      the view, the free eggs every morning, and the neighbour(a horse!)
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Toyney
                        what 3 things would you miss the most?
                        1. It takes me about 3 minutes to walk to the beach I surf - joy.

                        2. Some of the local pubs - real ale heaven.

                        3. My sheddy house - there's always some bloo*y thing thats needing fixing.
                        Another member of the 'A' team


                        • #13
                          I would miss my friends/family

                          i would miss my dog

                          and i would miss my job
                          she's no angel


                          • #14
                            I used to like the original "Popeye" cartoons, plenty of gratuatus vilolence and smoking, can you download them?, It's the way this country's going, They got nowt better to do,
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Toyney
                              ive had a little 11 year old cousin come to stay with me last week and she asked me a good question, if you had to leave your home completely alone with just the clothes on your back and go somewhere completely new... what 3 things would you miss the most?
                              Good for you!

                              1) My wife and family

                              2) My gliders (my way of chilling out)

                              3) My very comfy bed
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

