Decided to do the starter motor contacts this evening.
Not too bad undoing the bolts took about an hour messing around with different spanners. NO WAY would that starter come out of the engine bay neither up nor down. Decided as it would soon be dark to change the parts while it was in there so spun it round and changed everything OK I think.
put it all back together and I seem to have lost a part Does the battery terminal of the motor have a rubber cover? cant find one anywhere and dont remember taking one off but I was getting a bit irate any suggestions as to what to use instead. I also have bit of rubber pipe what I can only describe as a vent left over Where would this go?
Apart from this the motor does work as it started first pull. So it was not all in vain
Not too bad undoing the bolts took about an hour messing around with different spanners. NO WAY would that starter come out of the engine bay neither up nor down. Decided as it would soon be dark to change the parts while it was in there so spun it round and changed everything OK I think.
put it all back together and I seem to have lost a part Does the battery terminal of the motor have a rubber cover? cant find one anywhere and dont remember taking one off but I was getting a bit irate any suggestions as to what to use instead. I also have bit of rubber pipe what I can only describe as a vent left over Where would this go?
Apart from this the motor does work as it started first pull. So it was not all in vain