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crazy answer

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  • crazy answer

    hi wonder if ya fathom this a few weeks ago a lot of drunken young darlings where loose on our road. after a few to many they started jumping on bonnets of moving cars . so i rang police and explained situation and belive it or not they rollicked me they said it wasen,t a emergency and not to waist there time . so i rang the local number which took 20 mins to answer and 40 mins for police to turn up. so when is it an emergency , do i only ring when one of em gets run over or a driver stops and beats them up and he gets blamed . i personaly think theres something realy wrong here any thoughts.
    (i also juggle dynamite)

  • #2
    Yeah, next time, don't waste your time and money phoning the police, get in your truck and run the Feckers over. They're drunk so it's their fault for running out into the road!


    • #3
      Originally posted by stimpy30
      hi wonder if ya fathom this a few weeks ago a lot of drunken young darlings where loose on our road. after a few to many they started jumping on bonnets of moving cars . so i rang police and explained situation and belive it or not they rollicked me they said it wasen,t a emergency and not to waist there time . so i rang the local number which took 20 mins to answer and 40 mins for police to turn up. so when is it an emergency , do i only ring when one of em gets run over or a driver stops and beats them up and he gets blamed . i personaly think theres something realy wrong here any thoughts.
      Phone the local station back and make a complaint to the duty officer. Thats disgusting. If one of them had been run over then it would have been the poor drivers fault for failing to see a drunken hooded knob jumping on to his bonnet


      • #4
        Not sure if this is nationwide yet but down here in Hampshire we have a new number 101 as well as the 999 number. 101 is for non emergency's and seems to work better than trying to ring the local cop shop (which closes at 10pm locally). Still I also think it would be better to run the little SH1T's over as they seem to be above the law anyway.....


        • #5
          I came across a car accident one frosty night on my way home on my motorbike. was glad to stop and warm my hands up while i nervously approached the car to see if the fella was dead or not.
          he was alright as it happened but his car was a write off, with wheels ripped off and not much left of the front of his car. he had run into a high lamp post, a massive one and it was bent over the road.. the car was right across the road too.. glass everywhere.
          So i surveyed the scene... saw this young lad wandering around looking a bit lost... thought... ok, i have local cop shop on speed dial ( i visited them a fair few times with rectifications and producers), may as well call them... young lad didnt want me to call the police... as soon as i started talking to him i could smell the reason why he didnt want to involve the police..

          the road is now in pitch black.. only lit up by my motorbike lights!

          so, i wandered off... out of his sight and called them anyway. couldnt be arsed with 999, too much hassle... so the local coppers didnt sound interested at all... im trying to explain that theres a main road virtually blocked off in the pitch black on a blind bend...
          nothing.. not bothered...
          until i said, but you might want to question the driver, hes 17, just passed his test a week ago and he smells of booze,,,, suddenly they were interested and arrived blue and twos in a matter of 5 minutes! bingo.

          if you want to get the police over you have to find something they will be interested in. not safety of the public, but a sure nicking.. and a nice tick on the drink drive arrest performance tables...
          she's no angel


          • #6
            there was a fella snooping round the house over the road...
            cut a long story short i gave him a slap... but the police said "next time dial 999"
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              What about the AA?

              In the countryside around here, the AA come out faster than the police.


              • #8
                dont know if they s$$$$ped the idea round here in Bolton, we have a main police station but yet all the calls are routed to Leigh......no one knows any of the streets round bolton and u spend several minutes explaining to the switchboard where the street is


                • #9
                  They've not heard of SATNAV then.
                  (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                  • #10
                    Some time back...

                    My next door neighbour was burgled in broad daylight (it was p*ssing down at the time) I was in my house and sitting in the conservatory reading but the noise of the rain covered the sound of chummy breaking in next door. My neighbour turns up 20 mins later after the rain storm screaming about a break-in. I run round to her house and check inside for the intruder who has by now legged it. 999 give exact location and description as to whats just happened, cop shop is 3 minutes walk away. Chase up the road and ask some builders if they'd seen anything suspicious..yep they had and they gave me a good description of the hoodie b*st*rd...phone cops again with more info....So time passes, the insurance company have got a company out to repair the locks, damaged doors and window frame (real unprofessional job the $$$$ made) a loss adjuster has visited and when do the cops show up......48 hours later I kid you not So if I'd got to the little sh one t and rendered him useless for a few months guess, who'd be arrested almost as soon as my last blow had landed and well before 48 blooming hours.


                    • #11
                      Nice to see there's no change in police standards then
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

