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The Difference between men n women

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  • The Difference between men n women

    So i get home from wrk yesterday at about 4ish, i get a fone call off my mate saying that this girls car wont start so i run dwn in the surf an try an jump it. An everytime it start it dies again so i look at the petrol gauge an its empty!!! so ok shes a typical blonde
    Anyway she told us that she got pulled over on Tuesday by the old bill for doing 60 in a 40. The police then checked over the car and found 4 bald tyres and a ilegal number plate lettering. They informed told her its £120 fine and 6 points so shes was gutted which i think anyone would be. An the just because shes drop dead gorgeous they just gave her a caution!!! WTF?
    If that was a man we would of had the book thrown at us.
    Anyway thought id share that with you lot
    *Rant Over*

    Drink Jagermeister Responsibly

  • #2
    unfair justice

    know the story only too well - whilst discussing how i was a far superior driver to my wife she pointed out i can't be that great as i have 9 points and she has none good point but i reminded her she had been pulled over FOUR times for speeding and not once fined, so it's nothing to do with luck or driving ability, it's all down to the blondness of your hair and the size of your t**s!!!
    Fox Hunting is Dangerous


    • #3
      On the flip side to that, if a blonde was to take her car to a garage for an oil change, she would probably be charged for an engine transplant.

      swings and round-a-bouts fellas!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bunkle
        so it's nothing to do with luck or driving ability, it's all down to the blondness of your hair and the size of your t**s!!!
        I'm stuffed on both counts then as I'm a brunette and ...............


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mrs Jotto
          I'm stuffed on both counts then as I'm a brunette and ...............
          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mrs Jotto
            I'm stuffed on both counts then as I'm a brunette and ...............
            Oh Christ,

            I'm totally stuffed --- OK, I'm blond, but

            male, nearly bald and look vaguely like William Hague, no t*ts either

            Another member of the 'A' team


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
              Oh Christ,

              I'm totally stuffed --- OK, I'm blond, but

              male, nearly bald and look vaguely like William Hague, no t*ts either


              I always thought politicians were tits

