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another terrorist plot foiled

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  • another terrorist plot foiled

    The British and Americans have foiled another major terrorist attack on aircraft and have made 21 arrest so far

  • #2
    I have been following developements since I got up this morning. I was not due back at work until Fri night but I am going to have to go in tonight because of people stuck in Ireland and other places.
    I was looking forward to getting some more work on the Zook.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      Do i take it this is why my mobiles not working, have they shut down the networks?
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Originally posted by nero279
        Do i take it this is why my mobiles not working, have they shut down the networks?
        The mobile phone companies are saying that it is due to sheer volume of calls, especially if you live near an airport.
        It could be a plot to stop people eavesdropping on the royals.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          orange network hasnt worked properly since monday.


          • #6
            Could be keeping me away from home a few more days.....my firm are recommending we don't fly at the mo, so are allowing us to keep in hotels a little while longer.....means I still can't get anything done on the Surf.

            Need to find my oil leak, change the oil and engine mounts....
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #7
              Originally posted by itbloke@tiscali.co.uk
              Could be keeping me away from home a few more days.....my firm are recommending we don't fly at the mo, so are allowing us to keep in hotels a little while longer.....means I still can't get anything done on the Surf.

              Need to find my oil leak, change the oil and engine mounts....
              Winge/butter up to boss about the work you HAD hoped to do to truck, miracles may happen.

              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Leodis
                orange network hasnt worked properly since monday.

                That's maybe why my livebox won't work!
                Powered by ????


                • #9
                  "Government establichments" have been VERY busy today aswell!

                  took ages to get from Aldermaston to Mortimer this morning.... something to do with their BIKINI's???
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

