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Surf Train, tickets please!

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  • Surf Train, tickets please!

    anyone coming up this way got room for a spare wheel from ian 619?(portsmouth) no rush, but the beers getting warm... cheers m'dears
    it's in me shed, mate.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Chillitt
    anyone coming up this way got room for a spare wheel from ian 619?(portsmouth) no rush, but the beers getting warm... cheers m'dears
    you going to Avalanche Adventure Weekend
    can bring it there mate
    Enjoying Life after Cancer


    • #3
      Someone going to Surf RTTS? if it can wait til september, might be worth posting on that thread aswell. I may be going, and can bring it over to kent / drop it off somewhere else on the way back (M25 area??) if that's any help.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        oops! sorry i missed the replies pops that would be great, im not playing at avalanche, but i can pop over on the sunday cheers m'dears! do you know where ian is? (i always said you was a good un, despite what all the others said.. )
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          oops! sorry i missed the replies pops that would be great, im not playing at avalanche, but i can pop over on the sunday cheers m'dears! do you know where ian is? (i always said you was a good un, despite what all the others said.. )
          NO but sure he will let me know or a got a spare wheel another one
          i always said you was a good un,creep
          see you weekend maybe you can stop for a beer or cuppa and quick spin off road too
          Enjoying Life after Cancer


          • #6
            Originally posted by pops
            i always said you was a good un,creep
            see you weekend maybe you can stop for a beer or cuppa and quick spin off road too
            Chillit may I suggest you have the beer as you wont have enough time for him to make a brew, and you will end up having to make it your self or MY SWEETHEART TERRIE will have to do it, and we dont want to disturb her relaxing weekend now do we!!!

            Also if you do let him take you for a spin, make sure that he unhitches the caravan first, as he is getting a bit forgetfull in his OLD AGE!!!
            DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


            • #7
              i wont have a word said against him, he's a diamond!
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chillitt
                i wont have a word said against him, he's a diamond!
                thanks chill
                Enjoying Life after Cancer

