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Avalanche Adventure Weekend

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  • #76
    Originally posted by laser_jock@work
    Packed and ready to go.


    I put in my big fishing umbrella and wellies.....
    We are all packed and loaded just waiting for vagrant No2 so we can hitch our trailer tent on to his truck and then we shall be off.

    See you all there
    I'm a custard donut monster


    • #77
      Im ready and champing at the bit waitin for my mate to turn and load his kit in the truck and were off
      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


      • #78
        We'll be THERE

        Originally posted by jotto
        Could all those who have their names down for this weekend of fun please confirm that you are still coming. Also could you go and check the thread as a meal will be provided on friday night and we need to know what you want!!!

        There is still room for a few more if any body else would like to join us.


        Nigel and Julie (koi & me Bitch) Fri,Sat & Sun
        Jon & Jenny (Mr & Mrs Jotto) Fri,Sat & Sun
        Martin & Terrie (Pops & The Witch) Fri,Sat & Sun
        Emma +3 more, maybe 4 or 5 more (icklejes) Fri, Sat & Sun - NO SURF - USING POPS
        Rick & Tam (vagrant No2) fri,sat,sun
        Rob (himself) Fri,Sat & Sun
        Mark g8awo (Mark) Fri,sat,sun
        Sumo (Rick & Clan) Fri,Sat,Sun
        Gamedawn (Roger) Sat & Sun days only
        kitesurf_phil Fri,Sat & Sun
        4 Runner (Pete)??
        colin timney Fri,Sat & Sun
        Paulh Fri,Sat & sun
        Chris & Jess (ohsupremebeing) Fri, Sat & Sun
        Hilux (bob) Fri, Sat & sun
        Mike Gee Fri, Sat & Sun
        laser_jock99 Sat ??
        Tony & Linda (as them) Sat ???
        Dev,Col & loons(2)RSA Surfer Fri,Sat & Sun please let me know asap of dates as I'm in the Offshore Industry and need to work out my rotation around that date


        • #79
          Originally posted by sumo
          slug salsa
          not to be confused with mayonaise!
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

