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4x4 Tax

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  • 4x4 Tax

    What's all this I have been hearing about road tax on 4x4's is going to go up to over a £1000 quid? Is this a joke?????????????

  • #2
    Have a look at my 'here we go again' thread.


    • #3
      surely it's gotta depend on emissions???
      Nihil illigitimi carborundum


      • #4
        Yeah right....

        So then to reduce emissions:
        1 Get rid of ALL buses, yeah ok they run with at least more than ten passengers most of the time in London; mostly eveywhere else they only have one or two people lurking on them. The buses have deafening exhausts and belch out diesel fumes....which make other people think that every diesel powered vehicle is as bad.

        2 Get rid of all those so-called classic cars that have been dragged out of the s$$$$ yard and put back onto the roads, complete with open crank case ventilation, god knows what emissions from a stoneage carb etc etc.

        3 Get rid of Blairs number 2 and, judging by the size of him, he must make an unfair contribution to the sewerage system. Thats apart from the drivel that comes out of his mouth.

        4 Cutting down on blairs number 2's wifes hairspray use would also reduce the emission levels other than from engines.

        5 Tax the w*n*ers that insist on driving mis-firing vehicles for miles/months without a thought to get the fault sorted.

        If it comes to £1000... I actually heard the radio programme and it could be as high as £1800 a year...then the Blair Regime will have to spend all the money on better roads and a Police force just for the roads...hey they used to be traffic division's didn't they...used to wait around a catch car thieves and investigate theft of vehicles rather than just log it as a crime number...there you go pal now claim on yer insurance and leave me to fill in 64 thousand forms.

        Next some bright spark will come up with fuel restrictions and coupons so you can only have 4.5 litres per month....should do the oil companies profits well with that one.

        And finally, if the government is SO concerned with emissions why the hell are the so called HATSO's running around in dam great 4x4's (Patrols and Land Cruisers). How much excise licence do they pay I wonder? Wouldn't a van be more appropriate for such a job, pushing vehicles off the carriageway and sweeping up debri.....$$$$$$ luxury job...ear wanna drive a kin great 4x4 all day and watch the traffic, dress a bit like an official and play traffic calming.

        Thats it rant over.....voting for the common sense party next time (didn't vote for this bunch of wannabe's any way)...if anyone starts one, its bound to win the next election.


        • #5
          hehehe!! Class!


          • #6
            the idea of hitting 4x4 is because of all the chelsea tractors in london ,
            have they really thought this one through ???
            it will give the chelsea tractor drivers a new twist to show how they can still afford a 4x4 , as in wow they must have a few quid to drive one of those
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #7
              ironic seeing as we are the ones that dont need the $$$$in roads in the first place
              665 the neighbour of the beast


              • #8
                Originally posted by joker??
                the idea of hitting 4x4 is because of all the chelsea tractors in london ,
                have they really thought this one through ???
                it will give the chelsea tractor drivers a new twist to show how they can still afford a 4x4 , as in wow they must have a few quid to drive one of those
                In over 4 years my 16 year old Truck,s MOT Co Emission print out says its less than 1.00 % so am I due a rebate ????

                There's Always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!! "Says who"

                For everyone that gives up the Goverment taxes the rest of us twice, so they can waste twice as much & round & round we go !!!!!
                Buncefield Burner


                • #9
                  It wont happen but its all part of a very carefully orchestrated campaign to put everyone onto buses or into little cars. Its part scare tactics and its partly creating an image amongst the caring majority that 4x4 ownership is wrong and anti social They are doing with 4x4s exactly what they did with smoking, which is to turn the populace to the point where the majority are in agreement and where the majority will happily support draconian measures to put you off the road. Scary thing is it is working. I read an online newspaper which allows readers to comment on articles. Any article on transport, whether its potholed roads, parking issues, whatever is guaranteed to bring out a reader comment on 4x4s and its always a negative comment. The article doesnt even have to relate to motoring for some, they will still find a way to get a dig. All i can say is dig in and enjoy. It may take years but this campaign is effective and its working. There may be more 4x4s on the road than ever but the antis are increasing too, and theres even more of them. The time will come when we will be like smokers, outcasts in society. Its what our leaders want and whod bet against them getting it.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    It's gonna be like Mad Max 2.



                    • #11
                      so is anyone on this site going to get rid of there truck because of this latest news or rising fuel cost ????
                      would be nice to know if it is affecting forum members

                      ps , im not getting rid of mine the wheeelcover wont fit on fiesta spare
                      Last edited by joker??; 7 August 2006, 20:26.
                      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by joker??
                        so is anyone on this site going to get rid of there truck because of this latest news or rising fuel cost ????
                        would be nice to know if it is affecting forum members
                        IF it ever did go up to £1800, then I probably would have to sell it(give it away. Nobody would want to buy it!), but let's face it. It ain't ever gonna happen, not to older trucks.

                        Like the recent tax rise. It can only be done on newer vehicles.
                        It just does, OK?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          It's gonna be like Mad Max 2.

                          surfs up (in sales anyway)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by dave.j.robbo
                            IF it ever did go up to £1800, then I probably would have to sell it(give it away. Nobody would want to buy it!), but let's face it. It ain't ever gonna happen, not to older trucks.

                            Like the recent tax rise. It can only be done on newer vehicles.
                            you could send it to nigeria lol
                            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joker??
                              you could send it to nigeria lol
                              I'm sure someone out there will send you a cheque for £20000, and just ask for £12000 change when you send the truck...
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

