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Here we go again!

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  • Here we go again!

    Coupled with the leaking oil pipe in Alaska, expect diesel prices to go through the roof again!!

  • #2
    hate to say it, but i'm all for more tax on flying. rarely is a flight essential, and saying its stopping the less well of flying abroad on holiday, well theres plenty of this country you can see without flying.
    we have to cut down on flying food halfway round the world, and jetting off for a jolly, be it a 'weekend break' or justified as a business trip should be made much more expensive. thats not going to make me popular...
    (oh, and stop calling my car a gas guzzler!!!!)
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Totally agree.
      In this day and age of computers, internet, mobile phones with video talk and video conferencing, why can't a lot of people work from home?
      and how is reducing the speed on motorways going to reduce carbon emmisions???!!
      Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 7 August 2006, 13:34.


      • #4
        "Mr Ladyman" boy a bet he got ridiculed at school for that name.
        Is it supposed to sound like this??


        • #5
          Even worse, he was a 'ladyboy' when he was at school!


          • #6
            Is it supposed to sound like this??


            • #7
              I live near Stansted. The plane issue is major round here and there are flights selling for 99p!!!!!!!!
              How can car drivers be as heavily taxed as we are and yet millions of tonnes of Carbons are dropped into the air for a 99p flight?.


              • #8
                Originally posted by rodthrutheblock
                I live near Stansted. The plane issue is major round here and there are flights selling for 99p!!!!!!!!
                How can car drivers be as heavily taxed as we are and yet millions of tonnes of Carbons are dropped into the air for a 99p flight?.
                I'll contemplate that issue when i'm sitting on one of them said flights next week heading off to brush up on the tan!!
                Is it supposed to sound like this??


                • #9
                  So basically what the Govt wants us to do is:

                  1. Get rid of our cars
                  2. Not go overseas for holidays
                  3. Never travel by plane for business
                  4. Work from home
                  5. Never leave the house
                  6. Seal our doors and windows so we don't get sun cancer which requires medical help from the NHS
                  7. Only eat protein shakes so we are neither obese nor anorexic
                  8. Stop smoking (see point 6)
                  9. Stop drinking alcohol to avoid liver damage

                  And as a result, the Government will happily go without Car Tax, Fuel Tax, Alcohol & Tobacco Tax, Income from Tourism and we will all live in a Utopia and live to 150.

                  . . . stop the planet, I want to get off.
                  Just Vegging Out


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bludger
                    5. Never leave the house

                    you'd have to live until you are 150 to pay off the morgages nowadays anyway.
                    Is it supposed to sound like this??

