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Misty eyed....

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  • Misty eyed....

    Met up with fellow dog walker this morning, so while the dogs were doing what dog's do we got chatting. He's just bought another new CRV auto blah blah. Have you still got your bikes he asks me? Yes and another 4X4 truck, actually its a SURF. Que misty eyes and generally tears welling up from other dog walker. I used to have one, I,I, loved it he said. We tried to break it before we bought it (cruel b'stard) we couldn't so we bought it and went all over Scotland in it had it for years and it was a dam sight better than my Deranged Rover. Que shaking of head and wiping of eyes, I'll sssssee yyyou he said walking off with head hanging low.

    You see no other vehicle makes people feel happy, I mean really happy just to even sit in.....a Surf
    Last edited by The Mechanic; 3 August 2006, 09:18. Reason: spelling