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Wedding Nightmares - Ever feel like you're being filmed (long post)

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  • Wedding Nightmares - Ever feel like you're being filmed (long post)

    Do you ever get the feeling you're being filmed??

    Recently i keep thinking i'm on the set of coronation street or hollyoaks or something, what with all the things going wrong with this wedding!!

    i can't think of a single thing that has gone to plan.

    we booked the reception venue 2 years in advance only to be told with 12 months to go that they had decided to stop doing wedding receptions. after we haggled with them that it was too late for us to book anywhere else half decent they agreed to honour it, so they went from doing 3 weddings a week, to not doing one since May, and ours will be the last one for a very long time.

    Then 12 months ago the lovely Vicar left the church to be replaced by a new young one in his first parish. he wants to make his mark and do some major changes, unfortunately its quite an old congregation, so they're not too keen on change. Not a major problem you may think, but Gems gran is one of the regular church goers, and is well known in the family for having strong opinions on things and not being afraid to voice them. As such, she voiced her opinions at church meetings and to the new vicar directly that she and many others did not like what he was doing to their church, his response? "i understand there is a family wedding coming up soon. I'd be careful of what you say, as i could make things quite difficult" . Aren't Vicars nice!

    This weekend we have been blackmailed/bullied by Gem's other grandparents into changing the table plan to suit them, or else they threatened not to come. had everyone in tears over it. we ended up giving in to them, much to my disgust. but i won't be talking to them on the day, and nor will gemma. i do not tolerate bullying.

    i oldered some tankards off the net for presents for best man, ushers and fathers, but they did not come as ordered, so now waiting with fingers crossed that the bodged replacements get here in time.

    my brother who is an usher may not be coming as his wife has not yet had there baby (it was due a week ago last monday). She definately will not be coming, she gets induced on thursday if the little fella has not made an appearance by then. They will have to drive up from exeter to cheshire if either of them are coming. He hasn't yet tried his suit on, so sods law states if he comes it won't fit.

    Another usher is flying in from switzerland on thursday night. we had to translate taylors measurements for the suits to order his, and if his doesn't fit there is no time to change it (safety pins at the ready).

    One of the main routes from the church to the reception is closed due to them repairing the bridge. this means all cars have to now come the same route as us in the horse and carriage. Great!! Either we leave the church after everyone else, or we hold everyone up for the 40 min ride, or we let everyone overtake down the windy lane.

    I could go on with smaller things, but i'll finsh on a high.

    Last night i wanted to get rid of some of this understandably built up stress, so had a game of football with the lads. Within 1 minute is had gone over, was throwing up with the pain. I have had 6 x-ray's today, but thankfully confimation that i have not broken my ankle!! only a severe sprain,should be healed in 8 weeks! Really looking forward to the first dance now, but think the round of golf on saturday morning may be out of the question now.

    in the words of some very clever man


    Just trying to raise my postcount!

  • #2
    Keep yer chin up Mart. I think everyone has a wedding nightmare story to tell. It's all part of lifes rich pattern. As they say in theatre, "It'll be alright on the night." You'll know you are on telly if an old bloke with a clipboard turns up telling naff gags.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      that'll be the father of the bride then!

      I would've been gutted if my foot had been broken though. not because of the wedding, but we're off to the maldives for 2 weeks on monday, and i couldn't cope if i'd have to sit on the beach with a cast on. i'm only going there to swim in the sea, i've got my snorkel set and fins and everything!!!

      Just trying to raise my postcount!


      • #4
        Go to the Maldives. Get married then tell everyone afterwards. Much less stress.


        • #5
          just a thought, how far is gretna from you?
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6
            We had a plan when we got married, it wa sour day, we would do it our way and if anyone didn't like it then they didn't have to come! We had some probs with our reception venue, when we booked it a year in advance there was a lovely lady managing it, when we went to confirm details with a few months to go we found the all England w@nking champ had taken over. After some blunt words he honoured the deal we had with his predessor.

            On the big day I woke up with a stinking head, mainly due to a few to many "stiffners" the night before with the best man! But the day was excellent, I even split the seat of my trousers wide open in the middle of the photos.

            Just look at it this way, go determined to enjoy it yourself and let the others sort themselves out, that is why you have ushers, best man, parents etc. Accept the things that go wrong and absolutly refuse to let it ruin your day. The driver of our car who drove us from the wedding venue to the evening reception said there were many couples that wern't even speaking sitting in the back of the car by that time!
            Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


            • #7
              Originally posted by B16mts
              Do you ever get the feeling you're being filmed??

              Recently i keep thinking i'm on the set of coronation street or hollyoaks or something, what with all the things going wrong with this wedding!!

              i can't think of a single thing that has gone to plan.

              we booked the reception venue 2 years in advance only to be told with 12 months to go that they had decided to stop doing wedding receptions. after we haggled with them that it was too late for us to book anywhere else half decent they agreed to honour it, so they went from doing 3 weddings a week, to not doing one since May, and ours will be the last one for a very long time.

              Then 12 months ago the lovely Vicar left the church to be replaced by a new young one in his first parish. he wants to make his mark and do some major changes, unfortunately its quite an old congregation, so they're not too keen on change. Not a major problem you may think, but Gems gran is one of the regular church goers, and is well known in the family for having strong opinions on things and not being afraid to voice them. As such, she voiced her opinions at church meetings and to the new vicar directly that she and many others did not like what he was doing to their church, his response? "i understand there is a family wedding coming up soon. I'd be careful of what you say, as i could make things quite difficult" . Aren't Vicars nice!

              This weekend we have been blackmailed/bullied by Gem's other grandparents into changing the table plan to suit them, or else they threatened not to come. had everyone in tears over it. we ended up giving in to them, much to my disgust. but i won't be talking to them on the day, and nor will gemma. i do not tolerate bullying.

              i oldered some tankards off the net for presents for best man, ushers and fathers, but they did not come as ordered, so now waiting with fingers crossed that the bodged replacements get here in time.

              my brother who is an usher may not be coming as his wife has not yet had there baby (it was due a week ago last monday). She definately will not be coming, she gets induced on thursday if the little fella has not made an appearance by then. They will have to drive up from exeter to cheshire if either of them are coming. He hasn't yet tried his suit on, so sods law states if he comes it won't fit.

              Another usher is flying in from switzerland on thursday night. we had to translate taylors measurements for the suits to order his, and if his doesn't fit there is no time to change it (safety pins at the ready).

              One of the main routes from the church to the reception is closed due to them repairing the bridge. this means all cars have to now come the same route as us in the horse and carriage. Great!! Either we leave the church after everyone else, or we hold everyone up for the 40 min ride, or we let everyone overtake down the windy lane.

              I could go on with smaller things, but i'll finsh on a high.

              Last night i wanted to get rid of some of this understandably built up stress, so had a game of football with the lads. Within 1 minute is had gone over, was throwing up with the pain. I have had 6 x-ray's today, but thankfully confimation that i have not broken my ankle!! only a severe sprain,should be healed in 8 weeks! Really looking forward to the first dance now, but think the round of golf on saturday morning may be out of the question now.

              in the words of some very clever man

              SH!T HAPPENS!!

              iknow its a headache mate im getting married on 9th sept started as a small do now gone to about 160 people the only ones happy with that is the hotel weve booked for the knees up be glad when its all over off to
              the day after packed my fishing gear [start off the way i meen to carry on 0 any way good luck on your wedding day

