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Phoebelala - old none surf related pics!

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  • Phoebelala - old none surf related pics!

    Having had some grief with the PC today, and copying across a load of stuff from the old HD, I came across some pics from my aeromodelling 'yoof'... Get a load of these! The kit is one I produced for a little while. Basic 2m Glider. The Islander is scratch built electric in the days when batteries were meant for radios, not planes! The spit is an electric conversion of a '10' size IC, 9 years ago when my son was 2 ish. I was ahead of my time! The boat? Mine before children (hey Vince, I'm opposire a building site in that house too!) The UFO? Well, it's a UFO isn't it?...
    Attached Files
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    This is one of my brothers claims to fame.


    He flogged the rights to the plans for £120 when he was skint a few years ago. He is a mad keen aero model builder, when he is not messing about with a real full sized ME109 and helping restore a Hurricane (which should take to the air tomorrow for the first time in many years - weather permitting).

    That link was working earlier - honest! In a nutshell he designed the Extra-Vert. He has built four himself. The most recent has a .4cc engine and can take off vertically. It is an animal.
    Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 30 July 2006, 00:41.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      If any you modellers out their know of any body looking for a starter kit i have one up for grabs with two trainers and all the bits to get them in the air.

      I also have a tigermoth kit i need to get rid of too....

      The only reason is the fact i dont have the time to comit to learn to fly any more but the planes are proven flyers....
      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


      • #4
        Originally posted by mark g8awo
        If any you modellers out their know of any body looking for a starter kit i have one up for grabs with two trainers and all the bits to get them in the air.

        I also have a tigermoth kit i need to get rid of too....

        The only reason is the fact i dont have the time to comit to learn to fly any more but the planes are proven flyers....

        How much m8?>>



        • #5
          Originally posted by amethyst
          How much m8?>>


          I was thinkin of something like £200 for the trainers flight box with panel electric winder and 4 channel futaba radio....The 2 planes both have engines but only 1 receiver.

          I was lookin for about £120 for the tigermoth its only been drooled at and no further...
          Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


          • #6
            Originally posted by Apache
            Having had some grief with the PC today, and copying across a load of stuff from the old HD, I came across some pics from my aeromodelling 'yoof'... Get a load of these! The kit is one I produced for a little while. Basic 2m Glider. The Islander is scratch built electric in the days when batteries were meant for radios, not planes! The spit is an electric conversion of a '10' size IC, 9 years ago when my son was 2 ish. I was ahead of my time! The boat? Mine before children (hey Vince, I'm opposire a building site in that house too!) The UFO? Well, it's a UFO isn't it?...

            Hi m8, been a bit quiet what with the house move (not done yet got problems) and the test driving of endless cars..........

            Those are good pics, I remember my first time "junior 60" was fun in a way if you like that sort of thing. Then a yamamoto followed by an EZ sportsman 525 class act that was!

            Sadly never got round to taking pics before they died/were sold/binned.
            Digital cams are great eh?
            I used to have a surf me!

