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Tomtom Upgrade Free

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  • Tomtom Upgrade Free

    For those of you using tomtoms there is a new firmware upgrade for the stand alone unit not the PDA`s but first you will need to get the tomtom home page to do the upgrade..

    This update was released a few weeks ago but due to the speed of some SD cards they had to pull it but this version seems to work....

    Dont forget to back the device up before you change the firmware this can all be done through this home package....

    Remember back it up first cos it dont take prisners
    Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

  • #2
    But aren't these upgrades only for the GO 910, 710 and 510's
    Is it supposed to sound like this??


    • #3
      No they will do the 300 series and up but make sure you have a fast sd card thats why they pulled the update recently
      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

