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Too angry to think of a title!

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  • Too angry to think of a title!

    Here's an update on my previous post in June 06 "Looking for sympathy, oh and a new truck......"
    The truck has been totally written off as irrepairable and the cheeky B******* at the insurance company have offered me £1500.

    I bought it for £3895 4 months prior to the accident.

    I have just rung them and explained that I need more to be able to buy a replacement so they are going to look at it again but it will take at least a week.

    To rub it in further the drunken scumbag who wrote my surf off is back behind the wheel of his replacement AX pending prosecution.

    The hire car I have courtesy of third party insurers has to go back as soon as I get a cheque and the £1500 is apparenty already on the way to me so now I'll be left with no hire car and not enough to buy another vehicle.

    Any advice gratefully received as always ......................

  • #2
    You have my full sympathy. Insurance is legalised theft. The $$$$$$$s take your money, sometimes for years on end and duck n dive like back street loan sharks.
    I think you have done the right thing by holding out for more money.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      Sympathies. Best of luck with it, but you're right in giving them grief.
      The insurance know they have us by the proverbials because it's a
      legal requirement. Make sure you give them hell.


      • #4
        See a lawyer,it is his insurance company that should be paying


        • #5
          Stand your ground, you should get at least another £500--£600 on top of the £1500. I bet they charged you to insure it for what you paid for it. BA****DS!

          It's going to get to a situation in the future when no-one will bother with insurance or road tax 'cos we're constantly being ripped off and losing out.


          • #6
            my mate had his porsche written off. it was worth about 15k, he paid 16 for it a year earlier. he was offered 9k. he declined, and had to do all the leg work. He provided adverts for other similar age versions from autotrader and the internet AND he wrote to porsche to get an official valuation of his car as 'standard' (it was a limited edition 968 mid, one of only 500 in the uk). but in the end he got 13k from the insurers.

            ALSO, why not talk to your insurance company and ask their advice?
            If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by foggy
              See a lawyer,it is his insurance company that should be paying
              Your Insurance company is not acting in your best interests you must contact the insurance ombudsman and also get legal advice on getting settlement from the person who caused your loss but be quick especialy if you feel he may receive a custodial sentance and don't let them bullsh8t you

              good luck
              Death rides a Black Horse


              • #8
                The insurance company cannot send you the settlement cheque until you have agreed on the figure with them. You should remind them that until they come up with a reasonable offer that they will still be paying for the hire car & that if they don't sort it out soon you will also claim for uninsured losses, like for example the inconvenience of not having your own vehicle. eg you are in the middle of renovating your house & you need your surf to carry the building materials from the builders merchants & that you may have to hire a van to enable you to do this & you will be passing the hire costs to the insurers!!!! It might make them offer a higher amount to get it settled quicker.
                I also recommend printing adverts of similar Surfs from the Autotrader website (the insurers are always comparing Autotrader) to strengthen your case as they will always try & push you into accepting a lower offer. Good Luck.
                Last edited by lclascaris; 25 July 2006, 17:06.


                • #9
                  If you receive cheque, you must send it back immediately, as if you put in the bank, then you are accepting their offer.
                  Good luck.
                  Still Searching,
                  Dick Whittington


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CathyB
                    Here's an update on my previous post in June 06 "Looking for sympathy, oh and a new truck......"
                    The truck has been totally written off as irrepairable and the cheeky B******* at the insurance company have offered me £1500.

                    I bought it for £3895 4 months prior to the accident.

                    I have just rung them and explained that I need more to be able to buy a replacement so they are going to look at it again but it will take at least a week.

                    To rub it in further the drunken scumbag who wrote my surf off is back behind the wheel of his replacement AX pending prosecution.

                    The hire car I have courtesy of third party insurers has to go back as soon as I get a cheque and the £1500 is apparenty already on the way to me so now I'll be left with no hire car and not enough to buy another vehicle.

                    Any advice gratefully received as always ......................
                    Tell them that you will accept thier offer, as an interim payment, then look around for a replacement surf on the net, give them the details and says that is how much you need. They base thier cost on what they say it will cost to replace the car, if you source 4 or 5 that are higher in price then they cant argue. Hope this helps.
                    SWIFT AND BOLD


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by foggy
                      See a lawyer,it is his insurance company that should be paying
                      And you have no contract with his insurance company that states how long you can hang on to the hire car (although anything much beyond a suitable payout would be frowned upon).


                      • #12
                        Thanks for all the advice,
                        Today is my 3rd day on the phone. The battle continues...........

                        The insurers have upped their offer and are sending me evidence to support this. I'm pushing for a bit more than their 2nd offer.

                        The engineer rang the garage where I bought the car and basically told them they had over-charged me. The garage is now going to write me a letter to justify their price-I think they are a tad annoyed with the insurers too.

                        I have registered my complaint with the ombudsman and also discussed with solicitor re:claiming from third party insurers if my insurers won't pay up.

                        I have received a cheque for £1300 even though I haven't agreed to annything yet. I won't bank it yet (thanks Phillip).

                        Blimey, I'm exhausted with all this.........


                        • #13
                          dig those heels in girl !!!!!!!ferking insurance companies
                          Only Toyota can get you out of shite

