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A bit of metal

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  • A bit of metal

    Morning all.

    I bought this off ebay


    It is nice and small and the same colour as my motor so I thought it would look alright (not really one for massive child-decapitating bull bars)

    As you can see, it 'easily attaches' via four bolts. Now, the brackets on it are horizontal and all the bolts on my truck are vertical. Am I just being a tw@t again, have I been sold a pup again (going to need a kennel soon) or should I just go down to Wickes and pick up a load of angle irons?

  • #2
    i have one just like that... you need a pair of brackets. they are like hens teeth. toyota charge a fortune for them, and angle iron isn't really big enough. i can take you some pics tonite if you like for making some..
    apart from that, well done!
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Looks like you need two 'L" brackets which attach to this and have the holes to attach under chassis.



      • #4
        Sancho, don't start buying Pedigree Chum just yet, I may have the brackets you're after......................... .....I'll be back!
        Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 24 July 2006, 11:42.


        • #5
          Have you looked under the front? Should attach to a vertical plate running fore and aft on each side, may have a towing eye on the front of the plate. This looks very like the bullbar mounting on my 3rd Gen, although I gather 2nd Gens are slightly different. Can't post pics at the mo, but here's a vague idea - look at this picture:
          Look at the inboard edge of the nearside indicator, then track vertically down, to about the bumper's width below the bottom edge of the bumper.
          You should be able to see the vertical plate with the towing eye in it (expand the picture to full size - it's a big picture).
          That's where the plates on the end of your piece of metal should bolt on.

          I think...

          Give it another 5 minutes, and Vince will post full instructions with step-by-step pictures

          And, it would appear, possibly the brackets as well!

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #6
            Thanks gents. I think the orientation of the bolts on the 2nd and 3rd gen is different. The towing eye (I was guessing this is where I was supposed to be bolting the bar on to) has vertical bolts from the bottom up into the chassis, rather than bolting horizontally on to a plate.

            It sounds like Vince might have the answer for me anyway. Fingers crossed.....


            • #7
              You need extra brackets, you bought a semi-pup!

              It looks like the lower half of a two part bar I've seen on some trucks.
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                Yep, still got the brackets. One is still on the truck and the other is still bolted to the A-bar which is in the garage. (couldn't get a bolt undone, been rounded off)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Yep, still got the brackets. One is still on the truck and the other is still bolted to the A-bar which is in the garage. (couldn't get a bolt undone, been rounded off)
                  Does that mean I have to buy your truck and your A-bar if I want them?

                  Tony, I trust you got my email?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sancho

                    Tony, I trust you got my email?
                    Yeah, working out a reply!

                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TonyN
                      Yeah, working out a reply!

                      Just keep pressing that zero key mate.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sancho
                        Does that mean I have to buy your truck and your A-bar if I want them?
                        Is it no go on the brackets then Vince? I'll pay you good money for them if you can get them off.


                        • #13
                          Yep, no worries. I'll box them up tonight and see how much the postage will be in the morning. You just pay the postage and they're yours!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            Yep, no worries. I'll box them up tonight and see how much the postage will be in the morning. You just pay the postage and they're yours!
                            Woohoo! Thanks mate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                              Yep, no worries. I'll box them up tonight and see how much the postage will be in the morning. You just pay the postage and they're yours!
                              Should cost around £6 not too bad!
                              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

