Back from a month in sunny Spain. Had a terrific time and she performed brilliantly ( the truck ). 2400 miles at an ave mpg of 19 towing 1600kg of caravan. She did get a bit warm on a couple of hills coming back through the central Massif but otherwise great. I'll miss the diesel @ 70p/litre and brandy @£3.50 (the good stuff) although a few bottles found thier way under the beds. I've discovered how my air con fan works too. when the temp starts to rise the first relay cuts out the compressor and leaves the fan running, as the temp rises further the 2nd relay operates and doubles the speed of the fan. I only dicovered this because I changed the air con fan before we went. It worked very well on days when the outside temp hit 40.
Now got to try and catch up on all the posts of the last month.
Now got to try and catch up on all the posts of the last month.
