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Anyone seen this before

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  • Anyone seen this before

    Hi was looking through flea bay and saw this anyone any thoughts???

    if a politition is talking its lying

  • #2
    i saw it on there a few days back and thought if i was going to have something like that then i would go with one thats been tried and tested by people on here rather than taking the word of someone on ebay


    • #3
      Yeah, I've seen them, and thought about geting one.

      Might run a tad better, with heated, and therefore thinner, veg oil.

      But, with 150 watts being used by the glowplug constantly, the extra drag created by the alternator MIGHT offset any gains..

      At least, that's what I think!
      It just does, OK?


      • #4
        If you're seriously thinking of using this type of setup, you would be
        better off getting a combined coolant/electric unit. No use sapping
        current once your coolant is upto temp. However, if you're thinking
        of running exclusively on SVO/WVO, you would also need to consider
        some way of heating the tank and fuel lines.
        Last edited by MattF; 20 July 2006, 05:52.


        • #5
          How about getting one of those heated door mirror elements, and wrapping it around the fuel filter like a little electric blanket?

          and maybe a little duvet too!


          • #6
            Its not just the fuel, on starting you need the PUMP heated to approx 80C!!! pump is 2kg+ chunk of ally, aint gonna warm up on battery power!

            the smart money says duel tank with inline heater - run on deisel until the pump is up to temp, then switch to heated veg.

            or just use an old Bosche pump and run it on lard!
            If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              How about getting one of those heated door mirror elements, and wrapping it around the fuel filter like a little electric blanket?

              and maybe a little duvet too!

              You're a real softy at heart Vince arn't you
              Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



              • #8

