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  • #31
    right let me first apologise if i offended anyone kiowa , tonyN ,
    what im trying to say is that i expected a reasonable to good quality in the products i purchased, in my view these products looked like something you would buy out a pound shop ie you paid a small amount of cash and took a chance that they would fit,
    i have dealt with roughtrax before ,i purchased mats for the interior and cargo mat which i am very happy with,
    i dont know if roughtrax have changed there supplier for there lights etc but the ones i recieved were way below what i would call an acceptable standard
    i would like to see some one elses lights that they are happy with just to see if my expectations are way to high or that they have got a really bad batch
    do roughtrax lights carry an e mark ????
    tony how can roughtrax claim there light guards are chrome on ss if they rust ??????:joker

    cheers al fo enlightening me on the quality of after market light so im better off sticking to the originals??
    Last edited by joker??; 20 July 2006, 10:19.
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #32
      I have to be honest and say that I'm not at all happy with the bonnet guard I bought from RoughTrax. I bought a smoked bonnet guard to fit to the front of my truck. I fitted the said bonnet guard and it looked ok. But when driving the truck at any speed over 50mph I noticed that the edge of the bonnet at the windscreen end was vibrating up and down. When I did 80 it was VERY bad. I also noticed that it was hard to shut the bonnet as the bonnet guard was pushing againsed the top of my chrome grill. I tried to adjust the bonnet stops without success. So I had to take it off. It is now under my bed.

      The guy at Interpart in Didcot has just got his monster truck on the road. It's a Toyota pick up and he has clear lights on that. I think he deals with LA Supertrux. Here is his website. You can always give him a call and ask him if he does rear lights for the Surf. I don't know what quality they are.



      • #33
        Originally posted by joker??
        do roughtrax lights carry an e mark ????
        tony how can roughtrax claim there light guards are chrome on ss if they rust ??????
        No, I've not found any aftermarker lights that are E marked.

        They shouldn't, but I wouldn't have thought you'd need to chrome stainless anyway, I assumed guards are normally stainless or chromed steel.

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #34
          whoa........ back the truck up


          i've owned my surf for over 2 years now (i know that's not long compared to some). i spoke to barry before i brought it and took some advice. whenever i've needed anything i've always gone back to roughtrax. i've always found barry to be very helpful and honest. so to hear some of you guys running him and his business down is a little hard to swallow.

          barry could easily go back to just selling service items and picking up parts from toyota direct. he sells accessory type parts because people like us ask for them. many of the accesories he sells have been specially made (usually in new zealand, not china) for him, then the very same parts are sold to other comapnies who also sell surf parts. barry does not sell rubbish, he takes a lot of time sourcing the right parts for the likes of us.
          if someone has a problem with goods supplied by roughtrax you should take the issue up with roughtrax not post it on here and run the chap down.............. oh and then expect him to be helpful. he can read you know....!!!!

          i take things as i find them, i my experience barry has never been anything other than very helpful, the quality of his products has never been a problem and his service has always been excellent.

          see ya'll


          • #35
            RoughTrax parts !!!


            Whilst I was never a member of the Surf Forum before, I have decided to logon so that I may reply to the discussion that has been brought to my attention by my customers. It seems as there is an issue with some of the products I supply which of course I do get concerned about. RoughTrax has built its reputation on supplying service, parts, accessories and knowledge which I openly share whenever possible to the best of my ability, at the end of the day I started this company also as a Toyota owner, racer, and repairer of all Hilux's some 17 years ago. Its been the influx of the Surf that has pushed us to just supplying the parts and accessories now, this is why I have built one of the most comprehensive and informative sites, for our customers to be able to view virtually all parts etc.
            Any way, getting back to the quality issue, as several customers have already posted, I do try my very best to supply the best quality parts/accessories I can find, unfortunately from time to time this does mean getting parts in from Taiwan etc just so that I can supply the parts I am frequently being asked for, the clear lights is a good example, to the best of my knowledge, there is only the one manufacturer, therefore we can only supply what is on offer, should there be a manufacturer in the UK, of course I would try them, but sadly there is not. In truth we have had nothing but positive replies both from local and web customers with regards to the lights. The chrome rear lights I know and accept are not the best, however, to put it in some perspective, we had them designed and made in the UK, the 1st batch cost me £120.00 + vat to get manufactured which we then sent to Taiwan to be copied. How many customers would be prepared to pay some £145.00 for light guards, not many !!!!! I do accept though that they are not as good as they could be, and I am addressing it.
            The last thing I want, or indeed and co. wants is to hear bad comments about their co. they have built up, which is why I am addressing these comments....well trying!
            In short to "Joker" I have decided to not charge any handling charges, that’s not the way I want my co. to operate, I have also decided to not charge him for the return carriage so as to hopefully maintain good customer relations.
            At the end of the day I am trying to supply some of the widest range of products to meet every Surf owners needs, we may not do that every time...but we do try.
            Thanks for listing to me bang on, now that I have logged on as a member, I am more than happy to help any one with any queries whenever I can.

            P.s thanks for all the positive posts from customers!!



            • #36
              Well I did write a post and submitted it before seeing that Roughtrax has responded to the posts on the forum. As a result I deleted it and have added this one instead.

              I must say I am very impressed with the fact that this guy Barry has come onto the forum to defend and indeed acknowledge the fact that some of the stuff he sells could be better. I have bought stuff from Roughtrax and have been very happy with it. I did buy a bonnet guard and mentioned in my previous post about the problems I encountered with it. Most of the people on here are 100% happy with the parts Roughtrax supply. It just so happens that I wasn't with my bonnet guard. It's not that the quality was at fault, as the guard looks the business. It's just that it forced the edge of my bonnet up at the back causing it to vibrate at speeds over 50MPH and made it hard to shut the bonnet. I feel this was caused by the thickness of the plastic. I feel if the plastic was a little thinner where it secures to the bonnet this problem wouldn't have happened. However all the other stuff was 100% OK.

              People can't improve their products unless they get feedback from customers. As Barry rightly points out, he can only supply parts that are available from manufacturers that are willing to make these products for the Surf. If it wasn't for him or a few other companies then we wouldn't have any aftermarket parts to buy, so please keep up the good work.

              I feel this is an ideal opportunity now that he has become a member to let him know what items need attention and indeed what items we would like to see introduced as well as praise for what items we are happy with.

              All I can say is well done Barry for coming onto the forum to explain to everyone the situation.

              Now, can I start by asking if you can start to supply spare wheel covers that have SURF of them, maybe the Toyota logo, then Toyota then SURF underneath that? What we would really like is a clear plastic wheel cover so we can see the wheel and with HILUX SURF printed on it, in bright yellow to go with my blue truck. That would be a winner I think.
              Last edited by M35A2; 20 July 2006, 14:05.


              • #37
                And those cheesy visors that bolt on to the roof above the windscreen. I fancy one of those.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by M35A2
                  Well I did write a post and submitted it before seeing that Roughtrax has responded to the posts on the forum. As a result I deleted it and have added this one instead.

                  I must say I am very impressed with the fact that this guy Barry has come onto the forum to defend and indeed acknowledge the fact that some of the stuff he sells could be better. I have bought stuff from Roughtrax and have been very happy with it. I did buy a bonnet guard and mentioned in my previous post about the problems I encountered with it. Most of the people on here are 100% happy with the parts Roughtrax supply. It just so happens that I wasn't with my bonnet guard. It's not that the quality was at fault, as the guard looks the business. It's just that it forced the edge of my bonnet up at the back causing it to vibrate at speeds over 50MPH and made it hard to shut the bonnet. I feel this was caused by the thickness of the plastic. I feel if the plastic was a little thinner where it secures to the bonnet this problem wouldn't have happened. However all the other stuff was 100% OK.

                  People can't improve their products unless they get feedback from customers. As Barry rightly points out, he can only supply parts that are available from manufacturers that are willing to make these products for the Surf. If it wasn't for him or a few other companies then we wouldn't have any aftermarket parts to buy, so please keep up the good work.

                  I feel this is an ideal opportunity now that he has become a member to let him know what items need attention and indeed what items we would like to see introduced as well as praise for what items we are happy with.

                  All I can say is well done Barry for coming onto the forum to explain to everyone the situation.

                  Now, can I start by asking if you can start to supply spare wheel covers that have SURF of them, maybe the Toyota logo, then Toyota then SURF underneath that? What we would really like is a clear plastic wheel cover so we can see the wheel and with HILUX SURF printed on it, in bright yellow to go with my blue truck. That would be a winner I think.
                  Hi, thanks for that. I will definately look into the Surf logo's, maybe if I could supply the logo as a seperate decal so the customer has an option?
                  I will also check out the supply of coloured centres.

                  Thanks again


                  • #39
                    Oh I forgot. How about getting the side graphics for the second gen SURF copied so those of us that haven't got them can put them on. These are the ones I'm talking about!!!!
                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sancho
                      And those cheesy visors that bolt on to the roof above the windscreen. I fancy one of those.
                      Hi Sancho,

                      If customers think the bonnet guards might vibrate....you should try the visors....they'll shake you to bits !!!
                      In truth the main fault with these I feel is the fact you have to drill the door pillar uprights to mount the securing brackets....not a good idea in my mind to drill structual components, and going back to the original post, I dont want to supply parts like that i'm afraid, even the importer to the Uk say they are horrible!!! look cool though!



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by M35A2
                        Oh I forgot. How about getting the side graphics for the second gen SURF copied so those of us that haven't got them can put them on. These are the ones I'm talking about!!!!
                        I can see I might have to employ more staff to keep up with this !!!(joke)

                        The biggest problem with the original Decals is that Toyota will not Import them for us, believe me I have tried and we move more genuine Toyota parts than any company in the South. The originals are quite intricate and hard to copy, whats more the decals are very hard to remove without damaging paint etc....I will take note though and see if we cant come up with a different option.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by M35A2
                          Now, can I start by asking if you can start to supply spare wheel covers that have SURF of them, maybe the Toyota logo, then Toyota then SURF underneath that? What we would really like is a clear plastic wheel cover so we can see the wheel and with HILUX SURF printed on it, in bright yellow to go with my blue truck. That would be a winner I think.
                          As an alternative you could try Recreations where I got the Hippo done

                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by RoughTrax
                            Hi, thanks for that. I will definately look into the Surf logo's, maybe if I could supply the logo as a seperate decal so the customer has an option?
                            I will also check out the supply of coloured centres.

                            Thanks again


                            Here is an idea for the tyre cover, but in clear plastic so that we can see the alloy wheel on the rear carrier. You could also supply it in a variety of base colours IE Black, Blue, Yellow, Red etc.

                            We are proud of our SURFS and want people to know that thats what we are driving. Thanks for attention on this. I will make this a poll to see how many people would be interested in a Tyre cover with SURF on it.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              [QUOTE=RoughTrax]I can see I might have to employ more staff to keep up with this !!!(joke)

                              if thats the case, can you make em blonde, buxom and very petite....guaranteed to up your customer base....
                              the b****y dogs have been at it again


                              • #45
                                Vote in the poll to give Barry an idea how many people would be interested in SURF tyre covers.

