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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sancho
    Thanks indeed. Good work gents.

    Was it just me that got scared in case it never came back?

    Nope. By the third day, panic had set in.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Sancho
      Thanks indeed. Good work gents.

      Was it just me that got scared in case it never came back?
      I wasn't scared................

      I was PETRIFIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Congrats and thanks for a job well done Andy

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #33
        Must add my thanks to Koi and the team,

        great to be back, yes i was startin to get scared, and yes i was gettin withdrawal symptoms.

        Big to everyone involved in gettin us back online.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #34
          tyhanks for coming back!!!!

          you have no idea...ferrets found a mechanic to do his head for him, but he said if i stripped it, it would make the job cheaper. fair enough..having stripped it, we thought with the help of you good people we could put it back together......
          friday night, we started putting ferrets engine back together.....
          hhhhmmmm... its been a loooooooooooooong weekend
          i think its going back together ok, but you lot have just escaped sooooomany stupid questions!
          oh and ferrets gone to france for the week now, so no help there either...
          still at least i got my new springs fitted to mine yesterday while waiting for some gaskets to come in so i can finish his..
          it's in me shed, mate.

