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Who would you say was to blame...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Shab

    Anyway he still hasn't given me his insurers ...

    I though that it's an offence NOT to give your insurance details at the scene of an accident.



    • #32
      just for 10pence worth...

      i had an accident on a brands hatch service road, a van reversed out in front of my and then collected me under it... I was doing slow miles an hour, the speed limit for the area was 10 and i was doing around that.

      the van driver didnt know he had reversed over a motorbike and rider, the vans following me had to stop the van...
      then they ( the other driver and the company who employed him) tried to pin the blame on me for going too fast.

      the insurance companies said that speed is rarely taken into consideration in an accident as appotioning blame. ( the other side tried saying i was going too fast and submitted a photograph of a skid and a tape measure which mysteriously disappeared when i went to check it out at the crash scene 5 days after the crash)
      in my case, which seems clear cut I think, i had to fight to make sure i wasnt blamed for the whole thing as it wasnt on a public highway the police werent interested, it ended up with solicitors and court hearings.

      My advice after all that waffle is be prepared to fight! nothing is ever as simple as it should be.
      she's no angel


      • #33
        Originally posted by Toyney
        in my case, which seems clear cut I think, i had to fight to make sure i wasnt blamed for the whole thing as it wasnt on a public highway the police werent interested, it ended up with solicitors and court hearings.
        It wouldn't suprise me in the least if it all went belly-up and I ended up fighting a protracted case. Did you win in the end?
        Carpe Biscalorum...


        • #34
          yes, because hell hath no fury like a woman reversed over! i also took them for injury compensation, because if they had stopped reversing over me sooner i probably wouldnt have been so battered. and that my friends is how exactly i managed to go and buy my SURF for cash!!!

          hurray for accidents
          she's no angel


          • #35
            Originally posted by Toyney
            yes, because hell hath no fury like a woman reversed over! i also took them for injury compensation, because if they had stopped reversing over me sooner i probably wouldnt have been so battered. and that my friends is how exactly i managed to go and buy my SURF for cash!!!

            hurray for accidents

            Carpe Biscalorum...


            • #36
              Anyway he still hasn't given me his insurers

              If This is still the case - go talk to Mr Plod NOW, that should him pi$$ing about, he has commited an offence!!(possibly more than one)
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #37
                If this took place in a carpark I think that you will find that the Road Traffic Act dont apply mate, so I doubt if the police would be interested cos it happend on private land. O.K it's still a place that public have access to, but it's still private land and not a public road. Could also find that insurance companys, who never like to part with money, will also take this stance.

                Just a thought;Spoggle


                • #38
                  Call the Police if he is refusing to give out his insurance details. He has to give them by law, whether on a private car park or not. This has gone on long enough. Call the Police and get it sorted.

                  Claim for your neck injury too. It's a winner, as you are already consulting a surgeon.


                  • #39
                    As for the whiplash injury...... I bet the pain is running down your back through the left buttock and ends just behind your left knee. If it isn't shake your head back and forth till it has started to Tell the police he wont give you his insurance details, if he aint insured ,think about criminal damage. No not on him silly

                    Good luck, Spoggle.


                    • #40
                      Just a quick update...

                      In the word sof a famous football chant, "It's all gone quiet over there". Since I last spoke to them last week I've heard nothing from them.

                      One bit of good news is that I had the report back from the garage saying that they could find no damage. The bloke said that if I had been driving a car it would have probably knocked the wheel off. As is happens I was driving what he said was "effectively a light truck".

                      So, might just chalk it all down to experience...
                      Carpe Biscalorum...


                      • #41

                        Some tesco car-park/access roads are part of the public highway and some are not! Our local Tesco in Stalybridge (where the missus works) has the "highway" running straight through it with car parking on either side.Tesco did a deal with the local council to make sure that access to the town centre was through their car-park (to get ?? passing custom), its dangerous and the bends and roundabouts are all very tight and of minimum radius with poor visability!......It could be that your accident did happen on the public highway, and if it did, and you get no joy form scrote-boy I'd get the police involved. It sounds like he was driving to fast for the road conditions and driving with undue care and attention............Hope you get it sorted...........widey
                        Don't call me love, its not my name!!

