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KZN130 Clutch change required

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  • KZN130 Clutch change required

    Thread virgin so be gentle . .
    I need to change the clutch on my '94 KZN130 - I have had a go, got both drive shafts off, most of bolts out of bell housing (couldn't get the two buggers right at the top), gear and transfer levers out, but got scared off due to the size and weight of the g/box & transfer box when we dropped the crossbrace off - even the trolley jack started to complain. So we have admitted defeat (fear of aforementioned heavy thing landing on our heads) and put it all back together again. Couldn't think of anything better to do on a sunny afternoon . . NOT
    Can anyone recommend a decent garage in the Teesside/North Yorks area that would be up to the challenge??


  • #2
    Not too bad to do, have done a couple of them with the car on ramps with 2 people with strong arms
    If it aint broke dont fix it

